Chapter 2

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"I never thought youd come here" As he turns around to see where the voice is coming from he sees Metro man in front of him, who is surprised to see him here. "Oh, I came to talk to you about something I was hoping to get some advice from you, sorry I barged in like that I knocked but you didn't answer so I just came in." "That was kinda rude but it's ok we're cool." He says. He invites Megamind to sit down on his couch and he makes a cup of tea for him and Megamind. As Metro man sits down Megamind can see his golden underwear from his thin white almost transparent robe. He looks for a while and then realizes what he is doing and quickly looks away. He slightly blushes but tries to hide it. Unfortunately, Metroman notices it but doesn't say anything. "So what advice do you want from me?" he asks in a confused manner. "I never thought this whole being a hero thing would be so hard, I thought it would be more self-fulfilling but I feel nothing, I just feel empty inside." Megamind goes on a rant and Metro man listens and gives him advice. They can't stop talking,  they talk about everything and nothing. They don't realize that it's 5 in the morning. Then Megamind's phone rings, its minion calling him. He picks it up. "Boss where are you you're going to be late for the opening function of the new mall," Megamind tells him that he'll be there soon. "Um I didn't realize we had been talking for so long." says Metro man "yea me neither" replies Megamind . "well I have to go now, duty calls I guess." " I had a lot of fun talking to you."

"Me too. We should hang out more," says Megamind. Then he flies away to his office, as he flies away he sees the morning sun and has a big smile on his face. He's finally happy after a long time. He goes into his office and sees Roxanne Richie there, she seems  pissed.

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