Chapter 3: Bonding over Shrek

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"Where have you been?? Roxanne shouts. "We haven't talked in two days now, we were supposed to hang out last time." "Sorry, babe I have been busy keeping the city safe," Megamind says in an exhausted tone. "Minion told me you went to see Metro man." "Yea I went to meet him."

he says. "You know I don't like that coward selfish bastard, so why did you talk to him," she says very aggressively. "I just needed some advice that's all," he says." Ok whatever" she storms out of the room. At this point, Megamind doesn't really care and lets her go. He didn't even know if he like Roxanne at all. They were pretty much just dating because it would "look good" as Roxanne said. But he didn't realize when it turned into a real relationship. After that awful conversation with Roxanne Megamind sat on his chair and thought about last night. He thought about the things they talked about. He never realized how cool and nice Metro man was because of their rivalry. Then started thinking about the golden underwear and why he couldn't resist looking at it, why he got all flustered like that. But there wasn't much time to think as he had a city to look over.  After another tiring day of saving the city, he goes back to his office. he couldn't stop thinking about Metro man the whole day so he goes back to Metro man's secret base. This time he has a bottle of wine with him. He knocks on the door. Metro man opens the door, it looked like he got ready and cleaned his base even though Megamind hadn't told him that he was coming. Megamind struggles to form words so Metro man just lets him in. He finally says,"Thought you're bored so I brought some liquor." " Yea I was really bored, thanks for coming." "So what do you wanna do?" asks Megamind. "Wanna watch a movie?"  Metro man asks. "Sure, what movie do you wanna watch?" asks Megamind. "only the greatest movie ever," says metro man "SHREK" they both shout out at the same time. Then they laugh about it and drink wine and watch Shrek. "Wow I could watch this a thousand times and still not get bored," says Metro man. "Yea i live the whole franchise except for Shrek 3, its a fucking disgrace to entire shrek franchise." exclaims mgamind. Metroman immediately agrees. "Im really hungry, you wanna cook something?" asks Megamind.

They make grilled cheese sandwiches in the kitchen and drink even more. "wow this is the best grilled cheese sandwich I've ever had" says Megamind. "thanks " says Metro man all flustered.

After that, they start talking about their lives. Megamind tells him about his relationship with Roxanne. He talks about how he's gay and Roxanne had gotten the wrong idea about him and would not listen to him. Metro man gets surprised and acts all weird. "What happened, did I say something bad?"Megamind asks. "Um, no I just always assumed that you were straight"Metro man replies. "what do you have a problem with that?"Megamind asks. "no I'm not straight either." says Metro man. "but I thought Roxanne and you dated ?" "No, it was just an act". "Oh I never knew that," says Megamind " "There's a lot you don't know ". says Metro man. "Oh yeah? like what?" asks Megamind playfully. Metroman then moves closer to him and so does Megamind. Their hands brush against each other's and they get all flustered. They move their heads even closer but then Megamind looks away. He stands up and says "Sorry I can't do this " and he hastily leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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