chapter 7:Meeting the villains

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Kevin POV.
"Young master you seem tired these days"fredrick said sarcastically as he came closer and poured me a glass of water

'Tired?.....TIRED?!I've been interrogated and frequently challenged by that 5 year old devil spawn!!'

"Come on young master the crown prince's debut will start soon"I then glared at fredrick

"Come on young master your going to enjoy it the crown prince's specially ordered you to spend time with him this evening"

'Enjoy my butt!!the way the little devil spawn talks and treats me is comparable to how interrogators treat suspects!this is clearly child abuse!!'

[Sensei didn't you said that you'll fix your public image today?]

'I know......but I feel so drained from the little devil's recent interrogation'

"Young master I think this peach colored suit and navy blue tie paired with this white pants and beige colored boots will go well with your looks"fredrick happily said while imagining the outcome

"You really like dressing me up huh?"

"Of course young master looks more 'handsome' with the right clothes"fredrick emphasized the word handsome

"It seems you've learned your lesson?"I smirked

Fredrick shivered at the memory of him being punished to clean the horse stables because fredrick called him cute.

After a 30 minutes of dressing up fredrick and I walked to the ballroom.As we entered the ballroom a lot of people already arrived.

'The nobles ladies in place really like wearing puffy dresses'

"Young I advise you to not pick a fight with anyone today"fredrick said while giving me the look that parents give you when they sense that you've done something wrong

"Well if I ever get a fight the topic will be their makeup that much foundation should be illegal....I mean pennywise is more attractive by this point"I mumbled the last sentence

"Young master"fredrick then face palmed

"Alright,Alright I promise"I put my hands up as a sign I surrendered

I then spotted a beautiful black haired girl wearing a simple blue dress with no makeup walking towards us.

"Hello Second Prince Vincent,I am Freya Leonhart the first daughter of Duke Leonhart of Henderson kingdom"The girl then gave a simple curtsy

"Its a pleasure to meet you lady Freya Leonhart and please just Vincent"

'Well isn't this convenient'I thought to myself

"Would you like to talk in private?lady Freya"

She then nodded.As we walked to the corner of the room she Immediately looked at me with a piercing gaze.

"Who are you?"she spoke with a cold tone

"I am Kevin Sanchez of earth how about"

'No one intimidates me missy'

"I'm Vivienne Zellweger and for your information I also came from earth so stop speaking to me like I'm from Mars or something"
The girl then Immediately relaxed

"Zellweger?your the prodigy business woman who changed the the world by inventing a lightweight metal that is 500 times stronger than steel and as light as a sheet of paper"I said and reached out my hand

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