Chapter 9: A Link

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Inside the treehouse, Ori and Sein sat on a bench looking out towards the daylight. The house, overall, looked like your standard one. A table, some bowls, and a small nest all laid in the house. However, Ori noticed something on his way in, a small wooden construction that had some strings running along the long side of it. Although, it didn't look that important, so he left it alone. After getting situated, he cleared his throat, and explained to Sein all he knew about what happened since they left Nibel.


"So... you accidentally fell in Niwen, getting separated by the storm brewing there, and went on a journey to reunite with your sister." Ori nodded at Sein's words. "And... when she was fatally wounded by some horrific beast, the only way you knew to revive her was to reunite parts of the Spirit Willow, in which you didn't know you had to sacrifice yourself?"

"Y... yes..." Ori said somberly.

"And... this 'Seir'... they said that after the land was healed, they asked for my help to restore your body and light, and your memories got lost along the way?"

"That was all I remember him telling me."

"Hmm... " she closed her eyes, sitting next to Ori on a bench in the treehouse. She never knew someone named Seir personally, and she never helped anyone with something so drastic as cloning a spirit. Plus, she's no longer as powerful as she was, having turned into a spirit and leaving her power in the Spirit Tree. Something's definitely wrong.

"By the way, sorry to cut the tension, but... I thought you were a catalyst of the Spirit Tree." Ori asked.

"Hmm? Oh! Well, I am. Err, was. However, I created a new form for myself, a spirit form if you will. Now, I can freely roam Nibel as I please."

"Cool, but... why? Why did you give up the power of the Spirit Tree?"

"U-Umm..." Sein got a bit embarrassed, but shook her head to regain focus. "Th-That's besides the point. Anyway, I'm afraid you have been misled. This Spirit Tree did create you, and I may have helped nurture you into who you are now, but I have never met this Seir you speak of, nor have I spoken to him myself."

"So... why would he say that you did?" Ori asked.

"I'm not sure, but... I feel there is something else going on. I hope I'm wrong about it, but I can't shake this feeling..." Sein said nervously.

"What's that?"

"Umm... d-do me a favor. C-Close your eyes."

"Uhh... why? What are you gonna do to me?"

"Just... trust me, ok?"

"Ok...? " Ori shuts his eyes wondering what was about to happen. He hasn't felt this weird in a long time, but if it's something important, he should probably know about it. However, he could feel his consciousness slowly slip away.

I hope this works. Sorry man, but... the truth always finds a way, even if it's like this. I just hope you can forgive me for what I'm about to do.


Slowly, he opened his eyes, just wishing to see the sunlight once more. But, all he saw was the darkness that enveloped him for what seemed like weeks. Still bound in the rope, he sighs and grunts in slight pain.

"Why? ... Why the hell is this happening to me? What... what did I do?" He whispered.

He started to tear up in the darkness, letting out short gasps of air as he began to cry softly, praying that nobody would hear him. Something did hear him. But... it wasn't what he was expecting.

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