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Today we will know about two urban legends. One Japanese and one Korean.


The Red Room story is an internet legend about apop-up that appears on the victim's computer

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The Red Room story is an internet legend about apop-up that appears on the victim's computer. The image simply shows a door anda recorded voice asks, "Do you like the red room?" Those who haveseen the pop-up are found dead, their walls painted red in their own blood. The legend began with a flash animation of a boy being cursed after encountering the pop-up but gained notoriety when it was found that the schoolgirl who committed the Sasebo slashing in 2004 had the video as a bookmark. 

This modern scary story comes in the form of a computer popup and originated in the 1990s when personal computers were just starting to boom across Japan.

The curse starts with a pop-up that appears on a victim's computer screen when they are alone in a room. It has a red background with black letters asking "do you like the Red Room?" It's impossible to close out of the pop up; it's frozen on the screen.

You won't be able to escape the room you're in when the pop-up appears, as the doors and windows will suddenly lock. Your body will be discovered days later, dead in your room, surrounded by walls painted red with blood.


There was once a girl who was extremely conscious of her looks

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There was once a girl who was extremely conscious of her looks. She was determined to always look beautiful, and would try any beauty secret at hand. One day, she heard about a new beauty treatment from someone who professed that it was very good for the skin, leaving it smooth and silky.

The "wonderful' treatment involved mixing sesame seeds in the bath water and immersing in it for a couple of hours.

The girl was excited to try it out, and rushed home to give it a go. When several hours had passed, and still the girl did not come out from the bathroom, her mother began to worry. But every time her mother asked the girl to come out already, the reply would always be "just a moment."

In the end, the mother could no longer contain herself and forced open the bathroom door, and was shocked at what she saw. The sesame seed had dotted her daughter's body; it had grown roots and latched on to her skin between every wrinkle and every pore. The girl, mad with grief for her lost beauty, was sitting in a corner and frantically trying to remove the seeds with a toothpick.

This urban legend is truly effective in giving the spooks to its readers as it hits everyone's desire, hidden or not, to be attractive. It is part of our human nature to want to be attractive in the physical department. So, if you will read this story, you might freak out with the ways you are making yourself look good, right? Actually, the cosmetic sesame urban legend is somewhat similar to the "Cockroach Facial story" or "Lotus Girls" that has a premise of girls wanting to appear beautiful. This urban legend also shows just how obsessed most of the Korean girls are about their skin and appearance. This story was also reused in a recent horror movie called 전설의 고향 (The Hometown of Legends).




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