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later that day,

Their break finished and it was time for them to take their last exam for the day. Literature was rather easy for the twins. They finished in no time and handed their papers to their cousin. This time, they got their stuff and exited.

The two of them waited at one of the benches at the entrance of the campus. They stayed there for about 25 minutes or so until they saw Jungwon and the others. "Looks like everyone is done" Deiji said to her twin.

The two girls stood up and waited for the boys to catch up to their place. "Shall we go?" Heeseung asked the twins.

"Ah can I steal Eunji away from you guys first? I'll bring her home before 5" NI-KI asked the group while looking at the older twin who had a look of confusion on her face. The three looked at each other then at the two.

The rest were just watching them. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sunoo asked Taehyun who was beside him. The older male just nodded, both were thinking of  the same thing after all.

"I guess you can. I'll inform mom and dad sis, you can go with NI-KI" Deiji said with a smile. "What is happeni-" before Eunji could say anything, the four neighbors walked away to their own direction and the others went to their own as well which left the two of them alone, standing at the entrance of the school.

Eunji really had no idea what was happening so she looked at the Japanese boy and noticed he was looking away from her. "Did you want to say something NI-KI?" Eunji asked the male and he finally looked at her.

Instead of answering her question, he grabbed her wrist and gently dragged her to the opposite direction of her house. The girl just followed after the male since she had no choice anyways. "Just trust me with the rest of the day" that was the only NI-KI told the girl and the two of them arrived at a bus station.

Right on time, their bus came and they quickly went inside the vehicle. NI-KI offered the window seat to Eunji and the girl went inside. NI-KI just sat at the seat beside her. The entire ride to their destination, both of them were quiet.

Around 15 minutes later, the bus stopped and NI-KI quickly stood up, holding the girl's wrist once again. The both of them got off and NI-KI was leading the girl to a place. The Japanese male finally stopped and it seemed like they arrived at a flower garden.

Eunji looked at the placed in awe. "Let's go inside" NI-KI informed the girl and Eunji nodded. This time, NI-KI held the girl's hand and not her wrist. Eunji looked at their hands and smiled shyly.

The two of the went inside and saw the owner of the garden. Both bowed at the old woman politely. "NI-KI it seems like you brought someone with you this time" the owner told NI-Ki who just laughed.

"Yeah I did. Auntie, this is my friend, Han Eunji" NI-KI replied and introduced the female beside him to the garden owner. Eunji gave a smile to the owner and bowed her head. "Such a pretty girl and name. Do you like flowers sweetheart?" the owner asked Eunji.

"Yes auntie. Flowers are very pretty and they are very calming" Eunji replied honestly to the owner. "That's nice to know sweetheart. How about you and NI-KI go take stroll around to see the flowers?" the owner suggested.

"We will auntie, thank you for the suggestion" NI-KI replied and the two students just bowed their heads. "Enjoy your stroll kids, if you need anything both of you may come to me" the owner said.

The two students bowed once again and continued walking inside the garden. Eunji kept looking around while NI-KI was watching her admire the flowers in the garden. He smiled softly and squeezed her hand.

Eunji looked at him and smiled. "The flowers are so pretty Riki" Eunji told the male happily while they were walking. "Yeah they are, just like you" NI-KI said which caught the girl off guard. Eunji blushed and smiled slightly.

11:11, I wish you were mine - NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now