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after lunch,

Break time finished and the group headed to their 3rd class of the day. Eunji was walking in between Hanbin and Geonu. You may be asking, why wasn't she walking beside Deiji or Jungwon? Well, she haven't hung around her other friends so she decided to talk to them.

Geonu had his arm around the girl's shoulder as they walked. Eunji was drinking her usual banana milk as she talked with Hanbin and Geonu. "So what's happening in Geo class?" Eunji asked the two.

Geonu and Hanbin were in that same class but the others weren't with them. "Well, it's going pretty smoothly. It's unfortunate that we were in different classes for the 3rd period" Hanbin said and Geonu hummed in agreement.

"It is indeed unfortunate. Science is indeed not my favorite subject but it's easy to understand" Eunji replied. "Wow we get it smarty pants, every subject is easy for you" Geonu replied with sarcasm to tease the girl.

It caused Eunji to hit his arm with her free hand. "Your mean Geonu oppa besides, it's not my fault that I study too much" Eunji replied quietly so it was only the three of them would know the conversation.

"I forgot about that" Hanbin said and sighed. The group were walking towards their own classrooms. Surprisingly the classrooms were just next to one another. "Well, see you guys at Bio" Hanbin said as the group split into two.

"Yup see you hyungs" Sunoo said and the males waved their hands, going to their classroom. Taehyun, Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and Hueningkai were also in Science class so they just had to go with Jungwon and the rest that had the same class.

"Let's go in" Jungwon said as he went beside Eunji and the girl nodded. The group went inside, finding their own seats. They don't really have a fixed seating arrangement so they just seat wherever they want or in the seats that are available.

Eunji was in the window seat since she likes looking outside during lectures. Jungwon sat behind the girl while her twin sat in front of her. Eunji started to look out of the window when someone knocked on the table right next to hers.

"Do you mind if I seat next to you?" a male voice asked the girl. Eunji looked to her side and saw Beomgyu, shyly looking at her with a small smile. Eunji gave a small smile of her own. "Go ahead" Eunji said, gesturing the male to sit down.

Beomgyu's smile widened and took a seat right next to the girl. NI-KI came up to Eunji's desk, noticing that Beomgyu was already seated beside her. He secretly wanted to sit right next to the girl but he didn't show it.

Eunji noticed NI-KI and smiled at the male which made him blush. "What is it NI-KI?" Eunji asked the male confusedly. NI-KI got something from his bag and it turned out to be Eunji's notebook. "I forgot to give it to you yesterday. Thanks again for letting me borrow it" NI-KI said and handed Eunji her notebook.

Both students were unaware that all their friends and sibling were watching them. Beomgyu just sat there, watching the interaction of the students. He smiled fondly since he thought it was a cute sight.

Eunji grabbed her notebook from NI-KI and smiled at the male once again. "No problem. Just tell me if you need more notes. I'll give you my notebook back again" Eunji said and NI-KI chuckled.

"Noted ma'am" NI-KI replied and earned a scoff from Eunji. "Seriously, ma'am? I'm not that old ya know" the girl said in return which NI-KI laugh even more. "Ya whatever you say. I'm going to find a seat now" NI-KI informed the girl and Eunji just nodded.

NI-KI left her desk and sat at the back beside Jay. "Looks like someone has a little crush on miss owner of the school" Jay teased the young Japanese as he sat down. NI-KI gave the older male a glare.

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