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the next day,

After dinner last night, the group headed their separate ways to go home. Eunji and Deiji arrived at around 7 in the evening, their parents already home by then. They were greeted and the two girls got ready for bed, sleeping earlier than they expected since they were full.

It was now the next day which meant new set of exams. Eunji wore something simple. Some black leggings, a blue crop top and a large grey zip up jacket. She tied her hair in the usual low bun and she got her stuff.

Deiji on the other hand wore something similar but instead of a crop top, she wore a grey hoodie. Now the twins were matching. The younger one went down and saw Eunji's outfit, the girl did the same.

"Guess we really are twins" the both of them said at the same time. Eunji let out a scoff and Deiji just laughed. The both of them started eating their breakfast and headed to the bus stop right after.

During their dinner last night, the four of them made a plan on how Deiji will confess to Jungwon. Eunji decided to say their plan of Jungwon confessing to Deiji on the ferris wheel.

When she brought it up, the other three agreed. The older female even said Deiji should confess at 5:53 because of what NI-Ki said. Going back, Heeseung and Jungwon arrived at the bus stop 2 minutes after the twins arrived.

The two males greeted the twins but when Jungwon and Deiji met eyes, both immediately looked away. Eunji and Heeseung looked at one another, raising an eyebrow at one another.

Heeseung decided to purposely cough to get the attention of the two 'lovebirds'. "Anyways, you guys prepared for the exams today?" Jungwon asked, pretending like nothing happened earlier.

"Yup, surprisingly got a good amount of sleep last night" Eunji replied, stretching her arms out. "Guess the dinner last night made my mind at ease" Eunji followed up after what she said, looking at Deiji with a playful smile.

Deiji just blushed and looked away at the right time that their bus came. They all went inside the vehicle and went to school. They arrived 15 minutes afterwards and went to their classrooms.

Eunji went to her same seat as yesterday. She fixed her stuff and laid her head down on the table, looking to the side. Just then someone faced her with a smile on his face. Eunji smiled as well when she saw the male.

"Good morning Ji, how was your night?" it was no other than Mr. Nishimura Riki. "It was surprisingly good. How about you Ri?" Eunji asked the male. "It was also good, thank you for asking" NI-KI replied with his boxy smile appearing.

The two of them continued talking until Mr. Min came inside. They had Literature and Mathematics today as their exams. Everyone their pencil out as well as like some extra paper since they'll be having Mathematics first.

Mr. Min handed out the papers and everyone started their exam. Eunji studied very hard for this subject since it wasn't really her best but she wasn't bad at it either. She answered each question, taking her time to make sure that she didn't missed a question and to make sure if her answers were correct.

The class was given around 2 hours to answer their exam. Deiji took around an hour and 25 minutes to finish her test while her sister took 5 minutes more than her. Just means Eunji finished after an hour and 30 minutes.

The twins handed their papers to their cousin and they were free to leave the classroom. They got their bags and headed to the cafeteria. They just sat at one of the seats and talked about their plan on how the younger twin was going to confess to Jungwon.

"How about you get him something? Like matching promise rings? He would love that" Eunji suggested to Deiji as she took a bite out of her banana bread that she just bought. Deiji was writing down some stuff on her phone.

11:11, I wish you were mine - NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now