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Just a rant. No need to read for you regular folks who is not involved. But this is addressed to YOU, that one person who filled my DM with derogatory names.

There seems to be multiple accounts berating me in my private message and accusing me of being racist. I've shown a screenshot of it in my book 「Dream Eater」, but that is simply the tip of the Ice berg and the match that lit the torch.

After that, the messages only got worse and more rude as days pass. One became two, two became five, and suddenly I have 10+ accounts accusing me of racism.

Why? From my understanding, it's because I wrote an Asian character with undesirable qualities and supposedly misrepresented a culture.

For you people, I have a few things I'd like to say since I am too lazy to reply to your hundreds messages.

I am Japanese. Born in Japan from a Japanese father and Indonesian mother. You are accusing me of being racist... to my own race. And also 'misrepresentating' a culture... that I am born into. Where's the logic in that?

Your claim is that in one of my book, I wrote a character who, I shall quote from you; curses a lot, stupid, rude, obnoxious, and etc. And that is racist against Japanese to associate these terms... with the whole nation?

Who? Who in here is associating those qualities with Japanese people? Who in here does that, if not for yourself?

The fact that you saw a fictional character, and think, "ah, the author wrote a bad japanese. How could they portray Japanese like that!" To me, you seem like the one who judged a nation solely on one man's sin.

I... honestly couldn't believe a person like you exist, thus I began pondering if this is a joke all along. But for you to wrote 4000+ words scattered on 14 different accounts... I uh, honestly don't know anymore. And I know for a fact people like this exist in twitter, yet to think they have spread to Wattpad too...

I've read them all don't worry your little fragile heart, although I didn't respond. I can't seem to find any word to indicate it's satire or is in fact a troll. You seem so keen on hating my book that I could merely hope someone would give you a job an take your device out of your hand.

I do believe this is just one person with a lot of time running 14 ccounts instead of different individuals with the same opinion.

If it's truly 14 seperate idotic individuals, then I honestly don't think I want to stay in this planet anymore.

This is a trivial matter, yet in my disbelief and disappointment towards the lack of rationality, I can't help but write down this rant and maybe try to straighten your logic, dear stranger, whom sent many horrific messages over the course of a few weeks.

You are trying so hard to defend minorities from racism. A noble cause with the wrong execution.

You yourself had become racist that I honestly had no hope for you to even see it. But listen to me for 3 seconds.

At one point, I remember you mentioning after I told you that I'm Japanese, is that I shouldn't write in English and encourage white privilege(???)

You, the self-proclaimed knight of racism told me to not use English, because I'm Japanese. And unkowingly told me, that you hate the Caucasian race.

That's racist, y'know?

"Oh no that's not racist because they're white and white people—" shut.

You hate someone for their race. That's racist. A small child would know that. Sure some white have done cruel things in the past, but that doesn't justify you going "I hate white people." You're becoming who you swear to destroy.

And the matter of you telling me not to write in english because it encourages white supremacists is... well.

'White' countries are not the only one who uses English. Surprise. Singapore mostly uses English, and Singapore is, in case you don't know, an Asian country located in Southeast Asia. So if you wanna play that game, I'll just say I'm speaking Singaporean so you wont be offended... 🙄

And let me tell you something that might blow your mind... in case you haven't noticed, but all my books... are...


That's right, must be shocking for you. It's a fiction that in no way should reflect reality. For you to be this mad over a character that suddenly came in my head when I took a poop on one wednesday is already ridiculous in itself.

This whole experience had left me a bitter taste whenever I use Wattpad. Knowing an Idiot like you is still running around despite my effort in reporting you and blocking you, nothing happened.

I don't really want to stay in this platform anymore, but I risk too much if I were to stop. I don't want to leave thousands of people hanging.

I will mostly be active on Quotev, thankfully people there would rather shut up than to say something useless. Quotev is by far my favorite website. But the downside is that the only book I published there is only half of what I published here, meaning I will mostly not pay attention to the book that is published here but not on Quotev. Dream eater and Un♡Less.

I was only kidding when I say I will stop writing and have been cancelled in the last chapter. But the idiot had been getting on my nerve that I simply dont want to be here anymore. I know I shouldn't have back down since that will only give the Idiot a satisfactory win, but I really don't want to waste my time arguing with someone detached from the world.

Sorry, I will try to salvage what I can. Or maybe I will make another Demon Slayer fanfic since I do have a few wild Ideas running around that would be cool to write.

But I'm sad to say that this book will be discontinued, mostly because I forgot the plot and the classic 'my writing had gotten better and seeing this greatly embarrass me that I wish could wash my eyes.' But the Idiot also plays a part.

And no, I will not stop using Wattpad. Although the experience here is... weird, I will still be updating here and there. But, I will update longer so if you want faster update, hop on to my Quotev.

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