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I was once a cheerful girl. But everything changed when a horrifying event happened. I lost both of my parents. I remember what happened that day... it still brings me nightmare... it was all so clear... as it happened right in front of my eyes.


I'm was 5 years old... and playing in my room with my dolls. I was so cheerful, laughing to myself as I play along.

Suddenly, I hear the window crashing as someone tries to break in. I stand up and walks towards the window. I see a group of people wearing all black. I stepped away from the window out of fear.

"Mommy!! Daddy!!! There's weird people standing outside!" I yelled. The door to my room swung open to reveal my scared mom. Fear and pure terror is evident in her eyes.

"Come here, honey... we have to go..." she said, in a hurry. I ran towards her and she scooped me up in her arms. She runs downstairs and out of the house. I can see people surrounding dad.

"Dad!!" I yelled. He turns to look at me. "Just go, honey... everything is going to be okay..." he said. But everything is not... as the next thing I saw will tainted my memory for the rest of my life.

One of the man, shot my dad in his head. His body instantly lay lifeless on the ground. My eyes widen as tears instantly streams down my cheeks.

"Dad!! No!!!!" I screamed. Mom just keeps running to the car. She gets inside the car, placing me next to her on the passenger seat. She puts the seatbelt on. Then she starts to drive.

"Mommy... I'm really scared..." I said, crying. She lift her hand, placing it on my head. "Shh... it's okay, honey... we're going to be okay... you trust mommy, right?" she said, turning to look at me. "Daddy said that too... but... he's gone..." I said, looking at her with tears in my eyes. She just stayed silent, not knowing what else to say to me.

She turns to look at me and hugs me. She caress my hair softly. I just hug her back. I turn my head to the road and my eyes widened. The same car that was in front of our house is speeding towards us.

"Mommy! Look out!!!" I yelled. She pulls away and turns to look at the car. She tries to turn the car, but it was too late. Mom throws her body to cover me. Then that car crashed ours, sending our car rolling on the road.

I groaned in pain as I turned to look at Mom. My eyes widened when I look at her condition. Her neck was obviously broken. There were glasses covering her face.

I place my hand on her shoulder. "Mommy? Mom... mommy!! D-Don't leave m-me..." I cried. She looks at me weakly. "Be safe, honey... I love you..." she said. Then her eyes flutter close. I continue to scream her name. But no matter what I do... and no matter how much I cried, she's never going to come back.

I continue to cry loudly. I mean... what can a 5 years old girl like me do? I was too scared. The car that crash my mom's left as soon as they finished their job. I don't even know why they targeted us.

I was found and taken to the hospital. I just stayed silent, refusing to say a word when doctor asked me questions. The only thing I said was my name. Y/N L/N. But that was it... I was too shaken up to speak.

I was just sitting on the hospital bed as I stared at my shaky hands which was covered in blood. But they weren't mine. These blood belongs to my mom, as she shielded me from the crash.

Heavy tears starts to stream down my cheeks. I just lost my mom and dad... and they will never come back.

End of Flashback

After what happened that day... I developed deep fear and trauma. Which leads me to have a phobia. Even the sound of fireworks terrified me to the bone. The sound of fireworks would send me shaking on the floor with my ears covered with my shaky hands. The sound of firework reminds me of the sound of gun shot that took away my dad's life.

I only went around town using my skateboard or bicycle, because I'm scared of cars... as they reminded me of my mom's death. The look of a glasses sticking out of her face terrifies me.

I don't want to get too attached with people... as I don't want to feel the pain of losing them. So I chose to keep my distance and keep everything to myself. I became a cold and reserved girl. But deep inside my heart... I still wish I can find a place...

A Place To Call Home

*to be continued*

A/N: welcome to my new book! This is my first time writing a horror story. So I'm so sorry if it sucks! I haven't watch the movie fully, so I'm probably going to improvise my own version. I hope you don't mind. Thank you so much for reading! Love ya~

A Place To Call Home (Richie Tozier X Reader X Bill Denbrough) Where stories live. Discover now