Chapter 21

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Previously on Chapter 20

I know exactly how it felt to lose someone we hold dear. I lost my parents at a very young age. It was not fair... as I always felt jealous to the children that still have their parents. But now I'm going to be okay... I have them... the Losers Club...

They're my family now...

-The Blood Oath-


We are now gathering around by the Barrens. We're sitting in circle. I'm in between Bill and Richie. I keep my head down as I explain to them what I saw when I was floating. Apparently, Beverly saw the same thing as I am. I don't even know she floats too. Seems like Pennywise had caught her as well.

"... we're all older... like... our parent's age..." Beverly said. I nod my head in agreement, to let them know that I saw the same thing.

"What are we doing there?" Eddie asked. I turn to look at Beverly, as she did the same thing. "I can't remember... all I know is... how scared we were..." I said. Beverly nods her head. "I don't think I can ever forget that..." she said. "Yeah... me neither..." I said, agreeing with Beverly.

Bill suddenly gets up, grabbing a piece of broken glass in his hand. I can feel myself shaking at the sight of it. But I try to fight it back as I stare at Bill, waiting for what he's going to do.

"S-Swear it... if IT i-isn't dead... if IT e-ever comes back... w-we'll come b-back too..." he said. Beverly stands up first. Soon the others follow. I hesitate for a bit.

"You don't have to if you're scared, Y/N..." Richie said. The others just nod at me, reassuring me that it's okay. I bit my lips and take a deep breath. "No. I want to... you guys came for me. Convince me that I'm not alone. I'll fight along side you guys..." I said, standing up.

Bill then goes around in circle, cutting our palm. I'm the last because they want to prepare me. I close my eyes as Beverly wraps her arm around me. I flinch in pain as I feel the glass glide through my skin, cutting it open.

I open my eyes and looks at everyone, to see they're looking at me with soft gaze. I smile softly at them. Then we stand in circle as we held each other's hand. We stay like that for a while, then we let go.

"I have to get out of here... I hate you..." Stan said, looking straight at Bill. Bill looks down at his words. But Stan just starts to laugh, we laugh along with him. Then he turns around and walks away from us.

Soon one by one they start to leave. Beverly sits next to me, as I sit next to Bill. "Are you going to leave?" I asked, breaking the silence.

She turns to me and nod her head. "Yeah... I'm going to live with my aunt..." she said. "I'm going to miss you, Bev... you're my first ever girl friend..." I said, fighting back the tears. Her eyes soften as she pulls me into a hug. "I'm going to miss you too, Y/N..." she said. I cry softly as I hug her back.

We pull away and she smiles one last time. Then she gets up and leave, leaving Bill and I alone. I stare at the blood that's flowing down the palm of my hand.

A hand is placed on my wrist. I look up to see Bill. "If t-this s-s-scares y-you... d-don't f-force it..." he said. I smile softly at his caring self. "I'm not scared... not anymore... thanks to you guys..." I said. He smiles at me.

I look up at the sky and notice how it's starting to get dark. "I should probably get going. My aunt would get worry about me... and I need to treat this wound before it gets infected..." I said. Bill nods his head. "I w-will g-give you a r-ride h-home..." he said. I smile at him and nod my head in gratitude, since I still don't have a bike.

We get up from our spot and walks towards where Bill left his bike. He get on and I get behind him. He starts cycling to the direction of my house.


We stop in front of my house. I get off Bill's bike and turn to him. "Thanks for the ride, Bill..." I said. He smiles "y-you're welcome, Y-Y/N..." he said. He was about to cycle away.

"Wait!" I said, before he's far. He stops and looks at me. "Let me treat your wound..." I said. He smiles and nod his head. He gets of his bike and walks to me.

I lead him inside and ask him to sit on the couch. I head to the bathroom and open the cabinet to grab the first aid kit. Then I make my way back to him.

I sit in front of him. I pour some alcohol into cotton. I turn to Bill and outstretch my hand. He lift his hand and place it on top of mine, palm facing up.

"It's going to hurt... I hope you're ready..." I said. He nods his head. I focus on his wound and gently dab it with the alcohol. I can feel his hand tensing and he flinch. "Sorry..." I said, in a low voice. "It's okay..." he said. I continue to treat his wound. I grab a bandage and wrap his hand.

"There... you're done..." I said. "T-Thank you... y-y-your turn..." he said. I nod my head and raise my hand. He gently grab it and start treating my wound. I flinch as it stings. He caress my hand softly. I relax and nod my head, signaling he can continue. Then he bandage my hand just like I did his.

"Thank you, Bill..." I said, smiling at him. He smiles back at me. He just stare at me for a while. I can see him leaning in slowly. He tucks a strand piece of hair behind my ear.

"I-I... l-like you... Y-Y/N..." he said. My eyes widened at his sudden confession. "I... I need time..." I said. He nods his head. "I k-know... t-take all t-the t-time y-you need... b-but... c-can I k-k-kiss you?" He said. I stare at him wide-eyed. "C-Can I?" He said. "Um... o-okay..." I said. He smiles softly and leans in again. I close my eyes and his lips makes contact with mine.

He pulls away and smiles at me. "I... I s-should p-p-probably g-go..." he said. I nod my head and walk with him to the front door.

He turns to me as we reach the door. He place a soft peck on my lips and smiles at me. "I-I'll s-see y-you tomorrow..." he said. I nod my head, smiling at him. "See you tomorrow, Bill..." I said. He waves at me and turn around to leave.

Bill P.O.V

I walk away from her house. I turn to look at her as she enters the house. A grin makes its way to my face. I can't believe I just kissed Y/N.

"Yes!!!" I said. I forgot my hand was injured as I fist bump the air. I wince and start flapping my hand. "Ow..." I said. I stare at my bandage covered hand and smile to myself, recalling what happened after we treat each other's wound.

I kissed Y/N...

*to be continued*

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