Meeting the others

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^plane scene^

Narrator's POV:

"Ugh. Aren't there supposed to be pretty stewardesses handing out warm hand towels and stuff."
"Not down here Mikey. Not for us."
"How are you girls ok?"
"We're used to it."
"Our Sensais think it's very good training too."
Amoly said. Donnie was on his tablet and then something happened.
"Oh boy. Bebop and Rocksteady are on route back to New York."
"They must have already retrieved the last peice they needed to open the portal."
"It looks like our plane is about to cross over theirs right?"
"Ya with a three thousand foot separation. Uh I can plot a course for intercept but we'd have to jump."
Larota said with enthusiasm while Raph said it worried.
"Oh boy guys I don't think this is a good plan."
"Ae come on don't get soft on me now Raph. This is gonna be fun."
Amoly said backing Mikey up.
"We have to go now. Wr only have a 30 second window. You know the plan."
"Um dudes."
"What Amoly."
Leo said. They were putting a parachute on Raph.
"He jumped."
They all turned around.
"He jumped!?"
"That's what i just sai-"
Amily said under her breath.
Mikey then said.
"Alright one for all."
Leo said about to jump.
"Wait wait wait you don't have a choot!"
"I don't need a choot i got my board!"
Mikey said jumping out.
"See ya."
Amy said. Mikey and Amoly both had boosters on their wheels. They did flips and tricks. Mikey bumped into Amoly and they started laughing.
"Waoh this is awsome!"
Mikey yelled. Amoly giggled. Raph grunted. He hated heights. Donnie was falling infront when Amoly came up next to him.
"I got this!"
She said getting her Manriki around the plane's wing. Donnie was on the wing already and clipped something so he wouldn't fall. He gave one to Amoly too.
"Uh I'm off. I'm off target!"
"Need a lift bruh."
"Slow down Mikey."
"Prepare for the ouch! ouch ouch ouch."
Donnie said grabbing Leo.
"Hold on Mikey."
Leo was holding onto Mikey's nunchucks. Then Amoly and Donnie helped them up.
"Lock in! Where's Raph and Larota?"
Back with Raph and Larota. Lara was looking at Raph. Raph was spinning around and repeating himself. Lara rolled her eyes and walked up to him and stopped him so he could face her. Then she lightly smacked him.
"Ow what was that for-"
Then she kissed him on the cheek. He was shocked and flustered and confused about what just happened. He had never been in this situation before.
"That was to give you a little boost. Now I have a question. What would Vin Diesel do?"
"Uh ok ok ok. No regrets. No Fear. No regrets! No Fear- ahhhhhhhh!"
Larota pushed him and jumped.
"Regret this fear sucks!"
Larota was laughing at Raph's fear but she didn't want to think about hers... Anyway she landed perfectly fine but Raph ended up on the glass of the plane.
"I'll get him."
She said. Then Raph came flying.
Larota and Leonardo yelled. Larota jumped to Raph grabbing him while he put his sai on the plane for support.
"Nice catch."
"Yea. No problemá."
They all went into the plane to find foot ninjas. Mikey grabbed Amoly from the back basically hugging her as if to protect her.
"The good news is you're wearing choots.
"La mala noticia es."
(The bad news is.)
Larota said. The foot came flying out of the plane. Then They opened the purple looking crystal up.
"Okay this must be what they came to Brazil for."
"Lara isn't that Tally's?"
"Oh no."
"Welp I guess she's gone for a while."
"Amy she's probably being tortured right now."
"Well she might not have noticed yet.-"
The girls were whispering to eachother.
"It's an interdimentional time opening thingamabob."
"Well there's probably a more technical name for it."
"Uh guys."
Raph said turning Mikey's head.
"Oh "
"Oh boy."
"Hablas en serio. "
"Ay ay ay."
Bebop and Rocksteady were right in front of them.
"Dude. You kept the Mohawk."
Amoly said.
"Good for you."
Mikey continued.
"Ohoho ya'll got jokes huh but lets see how funny you are after we bash your heads in!"
Then they all started fighting. Donnie was holding onto the crystal. Then Rocksteady got on something and started shooting like a maniac.
"Dude seriously?"
"Ya that's my bad I got a little carried away."
Then blueish sparkles came up to him. He sniffed it and blacked out. The figure Jumped infront of Amoly and Larota.

"Lara? Amy?"
The plan started crashing.
"Don't worry guys I'll level out the plane. And there's no cockpit."
"Kinboshi! Korera no hito wa yoidesu. Watashi o shinjite watashi wa min'na kiraidesu."
(Venus! we can trust them. Trust me I hate everyone.)
"OK. Watashi wa karera o shinrai shimasu rarota."
(Ok I'll trust them Larota.)
"Nē kimitachi wa tatakatte inai!"
(Hey you guy's aren't fighting.)
"Amorī o damare!"
(Shut up Amoly)
The Hooded figure and Larota said.
"Nē tafuna gunshū."
(Geez tough crowd.)
"Everything Allright up there donnie."
"Yea everything's awesome."
Donnie responded to Leo. Though everything wasn't fine. The plane had no wheel now. Donnie got his bo staff pulled it towards him. He started yelling.
With everyone else. Rocksteady's thing flipped over and his head went through the plane which made him wake up. The hooded figure did hand movements and the blueish sparkles came out of they're hands and circled around Larota, Amoly and Them.
"Really shinobi."
"I got it!"
Amoly said Floating and grabbing the crystal. Then Bebop dragged her down and tried grabbing the crystal. He then punched her boob and grabbed the crystal.
"Hey not cool dude!"
Mikey punched Bebop and Amoly kicked him right in the balls which made him drop the crystal. Mikey grabbed it but was punched by Rocksteady. Then Amoly wrapped him but they all rolled over. Rocksteady pulled Amoly's Manriki and headbutted her knocking her out. Larota came and punched him in the face and took the crystal while Mikey ran up to Amoly holding her tight almost hugging her. While donnie was still yelling while everyone was being pulled out of the plane. Larota accidentally dropped the crystal while falling. Raph caught her while holding her to his chest. They're cheeks were touching.
"This pig is flying!"
Bebop yelled. Raph got back in with Larota refusing to let her go. Leo was holding onto him but he lost grip and Lara and Raph went flying into the water. Larota's one and only fear.
They both yelled. Larota was holding onto Raph tighter now. The water was shallow so when they fell they wouldn't have drowned. Raph was kind of laughing at Lara because she was scared to death by the water. She blushed badly. Her head was cuddled to his chest hiding her face. The plane crashed into the water. Mikey looked around and grabbed Amoly again. He grabbed her and they all swam to the surface.
"Everyone ok?"
"We're good."
"Im good! Where's Raph and Lara?"
Back with Raph and Lara. Raph was kissing the Ground while Lara gave him a disturbed look.
"Are you done kissing the ground?"
"Oh ya sorry. Honestly I'd rather be kissing you. "
They then looked up to see a tortoise.
"Well this is awkward."
"Maybe for you."
Mikey was still holding onto Amoly but then she shot up.
"I'm still alive Ya prick!"
She grabbed her Manrikis and hit both Bebop and Rocksteady in the head. They had no effect.
(Damn it!)
They were all racing to the crystal now when suddenly Rocksteady got his thing again.
Raph yelled. He grabbed Donnie while Larota still wasn't there.
'I thought Larota would've been with Raph and here by now... Where has fearless gone to now?'
The hooded figure thought to themselves.
With Larota. She was running into the woods when she saw another river with a bigger waterfall she jumped on rocks to get under it. It was a secret entrance. The place was filled with plants and technology. There was something there. Someone there.
"Tarenakurange no kesshō wa doko ni arimasu ka."
(Talena where's the kraang crystal.)
The so called Talena turned around in shock. (Like the picture above.)
Bebop and Leo where fighting when Bebop was flipped and Flying. Rocksteady caught him and they high fived. Then the crystal started glowing and it shocked them. Then Talena came. She shocked Bebop but he grabbed a peice of scrap and cut her arm. She yelled in pain. Larota came as soon as possible and jumped into the water. The hooded figure took Talena and Handed Larota to Raph.
"My man.
"My man."
Bebop and Rocksteady said. Raph touched Larota's face tapping it a bit. She shushed him and kept saying she was ok.
"Bye turtles!"
"Hey thats nice of them to say goodbye."
"Uh hey fellas."
Larota said.
"Don't tell me were about to fall over a waterfall."
Talena said with sarcasm.
The hooded figure continued.
"Bring it on."
Amoly said.
Then they all screamed expect for Amoly.
She yelled. They went into they're shells as they fell. They were all at the bottom. The girls had they're own group. They were hugging eachother. Heads together.
"Thanks guys real team effort."
Leo said to the guys sarcastically.
"Alright get me out of here!"
Larota said getting out of the water quikly.
"So someone has some explaining to do."
The hooded figure pulled down they're hood to reaveal another mutant turtle with a light blue mask in a braid.
"So do you. Shinobi."
Larota said.
"Mostly you fearless."
'Venus' said.
"Oh not again."
Amoly said.
"Lets go. I know someone who has a plane we could sneak into."
Talena suggested.
Amoly asked. Talena rolled her eyes.
"He's in China Amy."
"Oh right."

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