Chapter 4: PANIC

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We stood in the girls cabin drinking and laughing, except Brooke, who was on the bunk still in shock. Brooke interrupted our talking,

"God, did you guys see that?" Brooke said, pointing to tv.

"I love this one." Chet chuckled at the ad on the tv,

"There was a murder at the gas station. The one we stopped at." Brooke insisted, "They're saying it could be the same guy who attacked me. Oh, my God. He's coming after me."

"And this is a different killer from the killer on the phone?" Xavier questioned, "The one with the keys?"

"I'm not making this up." Brooke said.

The door burst open, and Margaret walked in "Boys and girls together after dark."

"Ms. Booth, I think we're in danger." Brooke started,

"Yes. We are in danger. From sin."

"Brooke's just jumpy 'cause she got a prank call." Xavier explained, "Freaked her out."

Margaret seemed to be in a terrible mood, "Well, the locals think I'm crazy for reopening this camp to create a sanctuary of fresh air and exercise to purify the soul. But I refuse to let fear dictate my life. We've got a big day tomorrow. Lights out in exactly 20 minutes. The boys will leave and remove themselves from temptation."

The boys left, but Xavier lingered behind and gave one last remark, "You gonna make us pray the boners away?"

Margaret turned around, she was pissed, "A clean body is a clean mind. How many times do I have to go over the rules? Boys shower at night. No exceptions. Now go wash the filth off so you can wake up pure and refreshed for morning prayer."

Xavier reluctantly left. I went and laid down on one of the bunks and closed my eyes. I didn't pay much attention to Brooke and Montana's conversation, but my ears perked up at the Brooke's mention of murder at her wedding last summer. She was getting married to this guy, Joey, who thought that she had slept with his friend-Sam-. Brooke insisted that he only came over because she was scared that night and that nothing happened. He didn't believe her and shot Sam in the head before shooting Brooke's father. Joey then turned the gun on himself and blew his own brains out. I drifted off after hearing the horrible story, tired from the frantic day.

I was woken up by Montana's yelling, "Margaret! That bitch!"

I sighed the opened my eyes, but everything was dark. "Montana?" I got up from the bunk bed, "What happened to the lights?"

"That bitch Margaret must have killed the lights."

I looked around for Brooke, but she was nowhere. "Brooke?"

"She left, went to go clear her head or something."

"Alright, we should go look for her." I headed toward the door and heard Montana drag her feet behind me.

Montana had the flashlight, but it barely did anything to the darkness. We trekked through the campground until we spotted Brooke, who was panicked about something.

"Oh my god, I though you guys were him. I tried calling 911, but the lines are down."

"Maybe Margaret shut the phones down when she cut the power." Montana said

"He's here. I saw a body in the water and he attacked me on the dock." Brooke blurted out

"Hold on, Brooke." She wasn't making any sense. "Who is 'he'? Mr. Jingles again?" I asked.

"No. The Night Stalker." Montana rolled her eyes at that. "I told you he came here to kill me."

"Brooke," I slowly spoke, trying to figure out how to word what I was thinking, "Why would a serial killer come all the way out here for one person, when there's a city full of people in LA?"

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