Chapter 26

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You sat next to Maya's bed, holding her hand and your head resting on the mattress. Yoongi followed you into the room and took the chair on her other side. Suji had left to pick up clothes and shower, so it was only the three of you in the room.

"Hi, Maya," Yoongi whispered, holding your sister's other hand. "I'm Min Yoongi. Y/N's soulmate. It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry we never got to meet before, but I'm glad I had the chance to see you. You have an amazing sister and I love her a lot. Thank you for taking care of her. I promise I will never hurt her again, so you don't have to worry. She's going to be well taken care of."

You smiled as Yoongi talked to your sister as if nothing had happened. It made you wonder how Maya would have thought of Yoongi. She probably would have disapproved of dating an idol, but you were sure that after meeting him, she would have loved him too.

You reached up to feel Maya's neck, but startled as you only felt her skin. The two of you had given each other necklaces as teenagers and had never taken them off. It was your bond as sisters. You felt the silver chain around your neck and then reached back to find her neck empty. You looked up and saw Yoongi looking at you.

"We gave each other necklaces as kids. She gave me this chain with a pumpkin charm since she and Ivy always called me pumpkin. I gave her a similar chain with an angel charm since she reminded me of one. We've never taken them off. It's like our sisterhood bond," you explained. "I was going to take it off her, but I guess Suji must have done it already." Yoongi nodded in understanding. "She was deaf, did you know?" you asked out of nowhere. Yoongi shook his head in surprise.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah. She liked to say that we were meant to be sisters. I could hear for her and she could speak for me. She never did that well in her vocal training, she quit after a few months; but there was one thing she wanted to learn to say and she came home all excited one day and she held my hands and said to me 'I love you, Y/N'. I still remember her face when she said that. I miss her a lot now when I think of our childhood together. I think she would have really liked you," you signed. Yoongi smiled and held your hand across the bed.

The door suddenly slid open and your favorite people in the world entered the room. Ivy and the boys surrounded Maya's bed, each taking their turn saying something to your sister about how much you loved her and what a wonderful person you'd become. The doctor followed shortly after, coming in to receive your decision. You'd waited to give your choice until after your family arrived. You'd wanted them there so that they could all hear it at the same time. Now that the boys, Ivy, and your sister were together, it was time.

"Dr. Morris," you started, facing the young woman. She nodded that you had her attention and you continued. "This has been an incredibly difficult decision to make, but I am sure of my choice. Thank you for the offer, but I have to kindly reject it. My muteness is a part of who I am, and to take it away would remove a large part of myself. A part that I have fought very hard to love and accept. But it is a piece of me that I am not willing to give up. I thought about accepting the offer, how easy life would be, but that wouldn't be my life. So, thank you very much. I really appreciate the opportunity you gave me, but I must decline."

"I understand. I'm glad you took the time to think this through," Dr. Morris said. "I'm very sorry for your loss, but I must also notify you that it is now time for the organ donation process to begin. Please make your final goodbyes now."

She left the room quietly and you sat back down in the chair, taking a deep breath. You heard the boys leave the room, allowing you to say your goodbyes in peace. You turned to your sister and held up your hands to sign as you felt Ivy place her hands on your shoulders in comfort before leaving as well.

"Hi, Maya. I don't know if you can see me, but I'm going to hope that your spirit is here watching. I hope you support my decision. I think that you do. You always told me to be proud of who I was. That it was a special gift to be mute. I think you're right about that. I am pretty special. I miss you, Maya. I love you a lot. But it's okay. I have Yoongi. So you don't have to worry about me. I'm not the little girl I was. I have a huge family now and I love them a lot. I wish you could have met them before. I know you would love them just as much. I'll be okay, Maya. It's okay. You can let go now. Be free, Maya. I love you," you signed your final words to you sister and stood up, bowing your head to her before stepping away.

You exited the room to find your family waiting in the hall for you. You felt Yoongi slip your hand into his as you watched the doctors wheel her bed out of the room and toward the surgical wing. You lifted your hand and waved goodbye to her one last time as she disappeared behind the doors.

Once she was out of sight, you buried your face into Yoongi's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you. You felt Taehyung come up behind you and wrap his arms around you and Yoongi. You stumbled backward a little as Jimin and Hoseok jumped onto the hug at the same time. Jungkook and Ivy were next, struggling to wrap their arms around the growing huddle. Namjoon wiggled in and found space inside the hugging mass and Seokjin just sighed before swallowing the group in a massive hug.

You stayed like that for a solid minute before you had to separate to stop blocking the hallway.

"Let's go home," Yoongi said. You smiled and nodded, allowing him to lead you out of the hospital. "Actually, you guys go ahead. Me and Y/N will pick up some food and then go home." The boys agreed and Yoongi held your hand as he turned around a corner and walked with you down the sidewalk.

"Where are we going?" you asked.

"There's someone I want you to meet," Yoongi said, leading you around another corner. You walked for a few more minutes and then he stopped, looking down at the side of a building.

You followed his gaze and found him staring at what looked like a small pile of white feathers. Yoongi let go of your hands and watched from the sidewalk as he walked up to the pile and crouched down in front of it, sifting through the feathers. He lifted a hand and you saw him holding tightly onto something he'd picked off the ground. He brought it over to you opened his palm so could see it.

Sitting in the middle of his hand was a tiny angel charm, exactly like the one your sister had. You picked it up and gasped, flipping it over, to find her initials engraved onto the back.

"How did this get here? How did know to look there?" you asked Yoongi with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know. Maybe the wind carried it over here. I just, uh, saw something in the pile and wanted to check it out," Yoongi said, scratching the back of his neck. "Why don't we, uh, go get some food now? I'm sure the others are wondering where we are," he said quickly, grabbing you hand and pulling you down the street. You looked up from the charm to catch him signing a thank you in the direction of the feathers with a smile. Weird. Oh well. He might have accidently breathed in a little laughing gas at the hospital or something.

After you'd picked up enough takeout to feed an army *lol*, you headed back to the dorm where the others were waiting. You all ate together and you realized how much you'd missed Bangtan dinners. With all the laughing and conversation, you quickly forgot about the troubles of the day. After dinner was full of games and when the clock struck one in the morning, you bade everyone goodnight and disappeared into Yoongi's room for some well-deserved cuddle time, happier than you had ever been.

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