Chapter 14

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*A/N: We're halfway there! I hope you're enjoying it so far, because drama awaits.

You woke up to an empty bed and your phone buzzing. Rolling over with a head heavy with sleep, you lifted the device and squinted at the obscenely bright screen. Ivy had left you several messages with a link in the last one. Clicking it, you were brought a media page with a large image of Yoongi kissing a girl plastered to the top.

Now this would have still been relatively okay if it hadn't been for one thing. That girl in the image was most definitely not you. There wasn't a slight resemblance and the picture was of good quality.

You could feels tears beginning to prick at the corners of your eyes as you took in the details of the photo. The girl was clearly very beautiful and her arms were wrapped tightly around Yoongi's neck while his hands were placed on her waist. The background looked like the backstage of a concert venue, so this was taken during tour. And recently too, as his hair still matched the photo.

Looking at the date, the article was posted a few hours ago and the photo was taken on... you were going to be sick. The photo was dated to be on their last concert date. The worst part? It wasn't the only one.

As much as you wanted to barf, cry, scream, stop reading, you continued to scroll through the whole page, taking in the various photos of the girl. They were from different days and each time the girl was in a different outfit, so it wasn't all at the same time. Total, there were photos of three different days of Yoongi kissing/hugging this girl.

There had to be a logical explanation, you told yourself. Looking at the pictures though, you were having a hard time believing it. The evidence was so realistic looking that there was no way it was photoshopped.

You felt the tears dripping as you looked down at your soulmate mark. The three words that you had come to love so much. That you never covered anymore because who cared, he was yours .

Opening the drawers, you found a roll of skin tape that Yoongi kept for whenever he wanted to leave the apartment. You rolled it around your wrist and tore off the end, not able to bear the sight of your mark.

You felt sick at the thought of last night's activities. How you had done all that and not once did he think to mention during the whole night that he kissed another girl. Just thinking of it brought bile to your throat and you forced yourself to get out of bed in order to avoid throwing up everywhere.

Only one question ran through your mind as you sprinted to Ivy's apartment building just down the block. Why? Why? Why? It was all you could think and all you were thinking when Ivy swung open the door, took one look at you, and pulled you inside with a hug. Without question, she sat you down on her couch and brought over a large tub of your favorite ice cream and two spoons.

She put on your favorite tv show (cheesy rom coms reminded you too much of him) and you watched it together.

"Have you spoken to him?" Ivy asked gingerly while you waited for the next episode to load. You shook your head.

"I don't want to. I don't think I can face him right now. The pictures are definitely real. He didn't even mention it at all. Anytime last night. Even when we-" you dropped your hands into your lap and Ivy just handed you back the tub of ice cream. She turned up the volume on the tv to help drown out the devastating thoughts running through your mind. You just ate and watched until the crying had exhausted you to the point where you fell asleep on her couch.

A knocking at the door brought you from your sleep. A warm blanket had been wrapped around you and you were about to untangle yourself when Ivy answered the door.

Through your sleepy haze, you could make out Ivy blocking someone from entering and having a whispered conversation.

"She doesn't want to see you," Ivy said, crossing her arms over her chest and taking up the whole doorway.

"Please. I just need to see her. I went to her place but she wasn't there and so I came here and I just-" the stranger said. His voice sounded familiar. Yoongi?

"Look, you may be famous and always get whatever you want, but Y/N is my best friend and best friend rules state that I'm gonna fight anything that hurts her. So do you want to do this here or outside?" Ivy asked, cocking a hip and rolling up her sleeves. It was almost comical watching your 5'2'' friend threaten the much taller stranger.

"Please, Ivy. Please. I love her. The pictures, it wasn't what you think," the man begged, his voice choking up.

"You're damn right it wasn't what I thought. I thought you were a decent guy to be worthy of Y/N, but I guess I was wrong. If you loved her, you would've kept your hands off that girl. And if you still love her, you'll leave Y/N alone because right now she wants to do anything but see your face," Ivy stated.

"I-You're right. Just, will you tell her I'm sorry? And please tell me if she's alright? I know she's not okay in that way, but I mean physically. I don't want her to do anything, rash," the man hesitated with that last part, not sure how to phrase it.

"I'll tell her, though I don't know if she'll believe you. And physically, she's managing. She didn't do anything, rash, as you say. Y/N's smart. She wouldn't do something like that over a guy, no matter who it was. Now you need to go. Give her time to heal. Don't come back to this door," Ivy said.

She closed the door and then walked back to the living room where you were sitting up on the couch. "Thank you," you signed.

"It's what friends are for, right? Now, do you want mint chocolate chip or frozen pizza? I've got a meat lover's and a pepperoni stuffed crust," Ivy asked you. You stared at her, wondering why in the world she happened to have to so much junk food when she lived alone. "I read the article this morning went shopping. Now choose," Ivy continued without you even having to ask. Leave it to your best friend to know exactly what you needed.

You chose the meat lover's pizza, figuring that it was after lunch and you might as well try to eat real food. Well, real-ish. Ivy put the pizza in the oven and then came back to sit next to you on the couch.

You spent the rest of the day at her place and when the sun went down, she refused to let you leave. So, wrapped in a fuzzy black blanket covered with little purple flowers, you walked (rolled) over to Ivy's bed and climbed in next to her, the same way you did every weekend as kids. Ivy encircled you in her arms and you promptly fell asleep with the comfort of her warmth.

*A/N: The angst has begun! Am I bad at writing angst? Yes. Is that going to stop me? It should, but no. 14 more chapters to go!

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