Junk yard

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"Okey ally what supplies you have so we can take them with us?" Lauren asked ally who looked into her cabinets

"I have some tools if something bad happens I have oil with me and this bat if some bad people came our way" ally said giving the bat to Lauren who took it

"I also have a leathered jacket that will suit you" ally said running to her closet taking the jacket and giving it to Lauren

Lauren wore it shocking them wow it really suits her no joke

"Wow it's like it was designed for you" Ariana gashed

"Oh my god keep it take it with you it really suits you wow" ally said

"Wow I might go straight for you" Louis said

Lauren laughed at there responses she doesn't see it but she appreciates it

Lauren laughed at there responses she doesn't see it but she appreciates it

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"Thank you guys now let's go do you have anything ari Louis" Lauren asked

"Just a crowbar some more oil a flashlight and batteries" Ariana says

"I have oil batteries spear bolts and nails from Harry and lastly this magnet" Louis says

"Okey they will come in handy if we need them now where's the map for this place" Lauren asked and Louis led them to a giant bored

"Wow the exit is pretty far what it will take us three days camila won't survive without a heart for three days" Lauren was shocked the map showed where they are it looks like they're at the bottom of junk yard they have to pass a lot of zones some of them are dangerous some of them are friendly and some of them are unknown

"Well better start from now" Louis suggested and they all agreed

"Okey do you have a copy so we can take" Lauren says and Louis takes out his camera and takes a pic of the map

"There" is all Louis said handing it to Lauren

"Good job Louis" Lauren said smiling

Lauren looked at the percentage of camila's core and it's still at 97% ok that's good they walked straight for like half an hour

"Where are we going exactly" ally asked

"Oh we're in junk yard so far we need to try and find our way to" Lauren checked the map

"Wait wait wait there's a place called death land!!! What the fuck" Ariana said shocked

"There's Neverland" Lauren said trying to even the good and bad in the places

"Let's see the names of the places" ally said taking the map

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