Chapter 13: nearly there

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•labour and all that

A few months later

Shos pov:

I was home alone katsu at work. Im making dinner! spicy soba to be exact for my hot headded boyfriend. I've been getting used to spicy foods thanks to bakugo "he better like this!" I said and pouted. ⟟ was dishing up the food before wondering "hey little one your moving alot" ⟟ giggled at my stomach before freezing

Katsus pov:
⟟ was coming how from another shitty day at work tch.. atleast ⟟ can get home to my lovely mate, ⟟ was excited till ⟟ got to the door smelling something.. unusual. ⟟ sprinted to my mates side seeing him panting and holding his stomach his waters having just broke "shit shit peppermint are you ok?!" ⟟ was panicked so ⟟ called the ambulance

*⏃ few hours later*

Still bakubabe's pov:

Pacing the halls, ⟟ could hear my boyfriend scream. ⟟ couldnt go in as well shos wanted it to be ⏃ surprise for me. All my movements stopped when ⟟ heard an angelic sound that ⟟ know will haunt me in the future... my babys cry... tears peicked my eyes and ⟟ immediately froze hearing another more... feminine this time <t...two...?> my mind was immediately filled with happy thoughts of the future! Me taking my kids to the park them being famouse for having the number 1 and 2 hero as parents! Heh my kids gonna be badass!

Shos pov:

Panting all sweaty ⟟ looked over to my babies, ⏃ smiles growing on my face. ⟟ tear up and couldnt wait for alpha to see. The nurses brung the twins over and ⟟ held them both as they latched onto my surprisingly enlarged boobs. Rocking them lightly ⟟ call in katsuki, me seeing his enthusiastic expression at the two angels or devils in my arms.

(Bakugos in bold)

Katsu sat next to my bed and kissed my sweat drenched forehead "you did well halfie" he said gently and held me and our kids close "also... nice pair of ti-" "katsuki! Not infront of the children" ⟟ interrupted "heh mother instincts~" he cooes

"Now...for the names..."


Hiya! Wow look at that im actually on time! XD anyways thank you to the people who saw my girlfriends story it means alot to me and her! This is your last chance for names for the two twins! already have "haru" (boy)  "avery" (girl) and "akio" (boy) if theres any others tell me but id like another girl name so its even for the wheel thanks alot! Theres also another episode out on her story sooo check it out if you enjoyed it! know am hehe
Hope you have a good day/night!

(⟟⎎ ⎍⋏⎅⟒⍀⌇⏁⏃⋏⎅ ⊑⟟ ⍀⟒ ⌰⟒⟒⋏⎅!!! ⍜⍜ ⋔⊬ ⟒⌰ ⎐⟒⎅)

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