The fight for one - chapter 8

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slight bit of rape?
Mean Deku


Narrators pov

Shoto was sitting in his alphas room while he waits. His concern grew more and more with every passing second <ugh where is he?!> he thought to himself as he walks begins to walk to the door. Once the door was open shoto was face to face with a green haired alpha and was picked up taken further and further away from bakugous room. "M..midoriya?! W..what are you doing?!" He managed, shoto was scared and so he let out a distress signal hoping that katsuki will smell it. Midoriya stayed quiet and threw todoroki on the bed locking his dorm door "you are mine! Got it omega!" He ordered shoto but all he did was stay quiet keeping an eye on him.

It stayed like this for a few minutes untill izuku got impatient "i said GOT IT OMEGA!?" He used his alpha tone and that scared shoto which made him nod and whimper "good~ now i wanna hear my little omega scream my name~" he spoke as he moved closer <w..why me..> i thought and curled up but was soon unraveled by the alpha and pinned to the bed.

Shotos pov

He started kissing and nipping my neck, I didn't like how it felt with him..this is wrong.. a hard slap was felt across my face followed by an angry voice "enjoy it! Or ill tell your little 'alpha' that you started this" at this point i was sobbing and pretending to moan and enjoy this filthy feeling of his lips on my alphas mark..

After a few minutes he managed to get my top off. I stopped moaning and started to sobb harder and harder feeling another slap across my face "I SAID ENJ-" he was cut off by a boom and a crash, my nose soon filled with the scent of cinnamon and caramel. Izuku was pulled off of me and i curled up...crying was all i could do

Sukis pov

I smelt it.. the distress signals and i knew it was him. I rushed to where it was and i heard a slap then crying along with moans. Following the scent I found myself at izukus door and heard another slap and more crying. Rage built ip and i smashed the door down seeing my shoto, MY SHOTO on his bed shirtless, crying and a red handprint on his face. Everything was black and when i came back i had the crying omega in my arms crying and saying sorry repeatedly

I felt bad for him so when we got to my dorm i sat on my bed with him in my lap "shh shh baby its ok dont worry.. im not mad and never will be ok? Its not your fault" i said in a sweet yet unlike me tone while rubbing his bare back soothingly. After a but of calming her was asleep so i put him in my bed and went to izukus dorm seeing him mad grumbling and clothed "fight me fucking nerd! I told you hes mine so now your gonna repay!"

We found ourselves on the battle field and began out fight. After like an hour we didn't stop, explosions and explosions, punch after punch. We wnt at if like a villain vs a hero, we fought to the death and i saw the little nerd was getting tierd "tch some alpha you are cant even control your stamina?" I taunted and all i heard was a scream and then...



Ray- Heyyyy im back sorry i didnt post sunday but ill be posting at least once a week. Again sorry and i hoped you like this chapter~

Have a good day/night~👋✌️

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