The first time

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Nat POV Present-day Explain the first time they met

Some were in Wakanda 2014

I was some were in this places that look like a Mall, the top of the Building of the roof was Glass it was Dark in there I was Waiting for someone that T'Challa Told me that he was going to be my Partner for all the meetings that they're gonna have, he only hired The skilled people, Even though he had these Bald girl warriors, but he just choose me and the Other guy, I was Behind the door that they were doing the meeting in, there was a lot of Open space, but there was some Tables there And orange lightning, I just look up at the Stars Until I saw a shadow pass by, I got up Trying to find what it was, but then I hear a Noise from the top, I look up and see that someone is Taking off one of the windows of the roof and then jump down and Lands

(the spider land, you know the spider man Forget it back to the story), he Ward a Skull helmet and black armor with Silver printing, he gets up but stops when he Notices me, we Kept staring at each other, but then I see his hand Making a fist, so then I take out my gun and Shot at him, but then a Shield comes out of nowhere from him, he then Slowly put it down, showing the Lenses of his helmet, he then throws his shield at me, but I ducked it and it Hit the door behind me, the door Gets stuck from it

I Turn around to find him running at me, I Try to kick him in the side of his suit, But he blocks it and No matter what I do he'll keep blocking it, I was able to hit him a Couple of times, but Most of them he block, I was About to hit him but he did the Same, We both fall to the ground, I then Push myself up and he does the same, I just stayed like that looking at him not knowing what to do he knew all my moves, he then Grab me by the neck and slammed me on one of the tables there, I raped my legs Around his arm and try's to Break free, he Then Brings his hand up and Reviews Claws coming from his hand, he was About to stab me but then the door open and T'Challa comes out

"what is happening out here" T'Challa said, "baba I was on my way to the Meeting but then I see her here" peter said, but Natasha Didn't Listen or Focus on what they're were saying, Because she was still in the hold by Peter, "peter she's the one I was talking about you're Partner" T'Challa said Pointing at her, peter then look back at her and let goes of her, she Gasp for Air, and holds her Neck from the group that he Gave her, "I'm so sorry I thought you were here to kill him" peter said, "it fine I guess, I also thought you were going to do the same" nat said, with that They Continue on doing their mission, but Tell the next day, she will Meet a boy, a boy that she will Learn to fall in love one day.

End of story Present-day still Natasha's POV 

"I Didn't know who he was until today now I know, it the guy I Fell in love with, peter," nat said to Steve, who was the one Listening to her about the story, "wow what a way to meet, well I see that you're worried that you will losers him but I see a good friendship Between you two, and I can tell you that he's still in there" Steve Said, "do you really think so" nat said, "I know so, I mean look at Bucky he was Catcher and turned into a weapon And forget who he was but he remembers me, and I know that he will to" Steve said, nat then Took a deep breath and nodded, "will then I leave you'll alone I'm going to Check up on Bucky" Steve said and leaves.

Time passes

Nat was just sitting down on a table, she was Drinking a coffee and she could see that Peter Was right across from her, She was about to walk up to him but then the Lights go out for a While and when they come back, Bucky then Comes out and starts attacking, She then look at pater to see if he was still there but he disappeared, Tony Fights him for a while, but then get Thrown by him, Sharon then kicks him a Few times, then I hit him in the Chest and then to the Stomach, I ducked for Sharon who kicked him to the face, she Try's it again but Bucky Grabs her by the leg and Flips her And smashes to a table, I get on top of him but some how he get me of and Pins me on top of a Table, 'oh I know this move all to well' nat said in her Head, Bucky was Choke her, but then peter hit him from the side, and kicked him two times to him and the side of him again, Bucky then Punched him in the Face but peter Dodges it, "were you're suit now" Bucky said in Russian "I don't need a suit" peter said

(Bucky can Remember but nothing of him being Friends, or whatever)

peter then punch him in the face and the side of him but Bucky Blocks him and punch him in the chest, peter fall backwards and get up in Little pain, "ah now I Wish I had my suit" peter said to himself, he look up at Bucky who was walking up some stairs there, peter then Quickly runs to find his way up there and then lands in Front of him, he Spin kick him again, and then grabs a hold of him on his Metal arm, but Bucky get a hold of Strength on him and tries to lift up his arm, but peter look back and fall down on some Stairs bringing Bucky with him, when they stops, Bucky Blocks peter punch and hit him in the face, but peter Does the same, and kicks him in the Chest which makes Bucky fall Over the edge of the stairs, peter then Jumps down to get him but to find him not there, peter look Around, to find him but he was Gone

he then see nat still on the table so he run to her and Picks her up like a Princess, he take her to a room to help her he Gives her ice for her neck, which she take and puts it on her neck, he then Noticed that she broke her foot from Fighting Bucky, he take off her Boot that she was wearing and Starts to check it, "look like I'm not the only one that Steals other peoples moves" peter said, nat Laughs, "you Remembered" Nat said smiles, "of Course why Would I forget me Slam you on a table" peter said, "you were 14 so i thought you forgot" nat said, "how old were you" peter said, "17, meeting a king for the First time that was petty cool" nat said, "you know I had an argue with my father for Making me partners with you" peter said, "really" Nat said sad from what Peter told her, "yeah but I thank him for it" peter said looking at her, "why" nat said, "because I got to meet a beautiful amazing person that I had Every Met" peter said, nat Then Quickly kissed him wrapping her arms Around his neck, peter was Shocked but then Continues Putting his arms around her waist, nat Finally got what she always wanted to do, to kiss Peter Parker the taskpanther.

I know I have not made a new Chapter for a couple of days but I just found out that I have depression so I Try to Make a new one and not Keep you guys waiting, so with that I hope you Enjoy this chapter I'll make a new one I promise, I love you all , have a nice day.

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