Fourth Tag

10 1 18

Tagged by the one and only HaileyMayLomax... again!!!

Anyway, here we go...

1. Are you named after someone? Nope.

2. When's the last time you cried? I don't remember exactly, but I know it was over a book or a movie. 😅

3. Do you like your handwriting? Yeah, I'd say my handwriting is pretty good. (It better be after handwriting the entire rough draft of my first book.)

4. What's your favorite lunch meat? Roast beef.

5. If you were another person, would you be your friend? Honestly... I might not, just because I'm VERY sarcastic and dark and... strange. I'm also like 90% introverted and that 10% of extroversion is for the mandatory conversations in my life and unavoidable small talk. Otherwise... 😳

6. Do you use sarcasm? Whaaaat... me... never!

7. Do you have your tonsils? Yep, unless someone took them out in my sleep or something. 😒

8. Would you bungee jump? Nope. Never. Don't even suggest such a thing. Heights and I DON'T mix.

9. What's your favorite cereal? I... don't know.......

10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Of course not. You think I have the time and/or willpower to strategically untie my shoelaces after returning from a socially draining event?

11. Do you think you're a strong person? I would say I'm fairly strong physically, because I wrestled my brothers growing up. I'm pretty emotionally strong. (Tho I guess that could just be me bottling them up😅)

12. What's your favorite ice cream? How can you ask this of me?!😫 If you serve me ice cream, I am almost guaranteed to eat it.

13. What's the first thing you notice about someone? Umm... I.... don't know. I feel like I take in a lot of information at once. I can recognize people's face with precise detail, but completely forget their name.

14. Red or Pink? Red. Like the blood of my enemies. (kidding😁. Not really tho.😈)

15. What are you listening to right now? Truthfully, nothing, but Paranoia by Nathan Wagner is the next song on my playlist.

16. Favorite smell? The air just before and/or just after it rains. It just.... 👌

17. Hair color? As I have said in a previous tag, I DON'T KNOW!!!! It's mostly caramel brown, but it has highlights of blonde. There are also several different shades of brown ranging from caramel to almost black and sometimes in pictures it looks kind of red!!!

18. Eye color? Wouldn't you like to know. 😏 Maybe I'll end up doing an eye color reveal or something at some point. 🤷‍♀️

Okay, gotta tag some people...
Yeah, four. That'll work.

Until next time.

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