the shadow

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"Come on kushina you're almost there just keep going" minato namikaze is holding his wife kushina Uzumaki's hand while she is giving birth to her son. "IT HURTS SO MUCH" kushina is extreme pain and is screaming her lungs out "I know honey but he's almost here. Our son is almost here so just bear with it for a little longer" with one last push a baby boy is introduced to the world

After getting cleaned up and the umbilical cord the baby is handed to kushina who holds the small baby in her hands "hello naruto" kushina then looks at her son's stomach and the seal for the nine tails and whiskers begins to form "w-what the hell" minato walks over a little panicked and sees the seal and the lovers look at each other concerned

5 years later

Naruto has snuck away from kushina and is at a play ground when he sees a boy with sliver hair,a mask,dark grey eyes who is sitting on a bench with a dead look in his eyes so naruto walks over "sir. Are you ok" the silver haired boy looks at naruto and seemingly recognizes him "I'm fine. What's your name" naruto smiles "naruto namikaze" the silver haired Boys eyes go wide 💭"so this is Sensei's son" the boy sits up "I'm Kakashi hatake" naruto's smile brightens "oh papa talks about you a lot. He says you the greats shinobi of our generation" Kakashi seems flattered at this and that's when he sees kushina running to naruto and grabbing him proceeding to scold naruto much to Kakashi's amusement

7 years later

Kushina and minato had two new kids a pair of twins Mira a girl with blonde hair and red strands with ocean blue eyes and Kai a boy with red hair and blonde strands with ocean blue eyes

Kushina and minato notice that the nine tails seal did not appear on the twins nor did they get whiskers that naruto was born with "that is so strange. Minato do you think. Do you think the nine tails transfered to naruto at birth" minato(now hokage) thinks about this and tells kushina that its a possibility

With naruto

Naruto is on a mission with his team to stop a insurgency which naruto finished single handedly with help from the nine tails

Naruto enters his mindscape "yo kurama thanks for the assistance" kurama scoffs and acts like he didn't care even though he clearly did "whatever kid. Anyways aren't you supposed to be home now" naruto shrugs "my mission ended just now so we have awhile" naruto leaves his mindscape and his sensei talks to him about using the nine tails Chakra to much

3 years late(Naruto is a Jounin)

Naruto is in his father's office to be assigned a new mission that will have him be out of konaha "naruto I'm assigning you a mission but. You will have to leave for several years" naruto gets confused "what is it about father" minato sighs "recently a group called the akatsuki has been acting against the five nations. At the kage summit we concluded that they are searching for jinchuriki's. I love you son but konaha can't take the risk" "I understand father and I'm willing to leave if it means the safety of the village and the family" naruto then goes home to pack his stuff and he stops by his siblings room "I love you both. Sorry you won't grow up without you big brother" naruto give his siblings a kiss on their foreheads before he hears a knock on the wall so he turns around to see a very saddened kushina "minato told me about your mission" kushina starts to tear up "I'm sorry naruto I wish I was still the jinchuriki" naruto walks over and hugs his mom "don't worry mom it's for the village. I'll return when it's safer for jinchuriki's" the mother and son hug

Naruto leaves the house and is met by Kakashi,asuma,kurenai and guy "so. This is goodbye" asuma throws a pack of cigarettes to naruto "haha thanks asuma I just ran out" "naruto can't believe you got a smoking habit" "chill kurenai. I ain't as bad as your boyfriend asuma over here" both blush and naruto,guy and Kakashi laugh their heads off "well naruto as your rival I tell you only one thing. You better stay alive so I can beat you in a fight" "ain't gonna happen guy" guy drops his head knowing he's probably right  "hey Kakashi. Take care of my siblings would ya if they're anything like me they are gonna get in a lot of trouble" Kakashi laughs and promises naruto he'll watch over the siblings

"Well this is goodbye for now. See ya in a couple of years when it's safe. Also kurenai,asuma. Get. Married already" asuma yells that they're not like that but then naruto leaves after lighting a cigarette with asuma

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