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It was the third day, and The Snitch finally decided to follow The Snake.

What other way is it to fight then the last day of a bargain? Because that surely seemed the only way pirates do it.

It was the third day, and The Snitch finally decided to follow The Snake.

The crew of The Snitch trained for two days. They expected to train the third day, but their very own Captain Potter was not going to risk it. They started sailing to where they knew The Snake would be.

It was the third day, and The Snitch finally decided to follow The Snake.

The Slytherin was not so far away from a kingdom known as Trubasha, a kingdom that had the royal Malfoy family as its rulers. It was easy to track since the Dark Lord always some reason favored to fist Trubasha more often than Evraican.

It was the third day, and The Snitch finally decided to follow The Snake.

They were heading sail for Trubasha on the third day. Of course, not at the borders of Trubasha, but a few miles away from the kingdom.

It was the third day, and The Snitch finally decided to follow The Snake.

They were heading for the ship, The Snake, with the aim of retrieving their mates and defeating the Dark Lord.

Let's hope the Malfoys won't have to put their heads in this situation. It would be tricky to get out of it. After all, a tale between important royals and fearless pirates is always a tricky situation.

It was the third day, and The Snitch finally decided to follow The Snake.

They were heading for the ship, The Snake, with the aim of retrieving their mates and defeating the Dark Lord.

Excuse me for the important repetition.


He aimed his sword at her, but she ducked right in time. So, instead of the sword being something she had to beat, it became something that the wall entrapped in its little trap.

"Nice," said James, shaking his head with a little smile on his face. "So, you remember the plan?"

"Well, I don't think I can remember a plan that I wasn't told," said the redhead as she sat down on the Captain's bed, raising an eyebrow in question.

"You're going to stay here," said James, sitting beside him and letting his sword be trapped in the wall.

"Here's the thing," said the redhead. "One, if you leave me here, Riddle could expect that. He would easily grab me when all of the crew is fighting at his ship."

James didn't want to admit that the redhead princess hostage might just be right.

"Two, you'll worry about me," smiled Lily in proudness.

"No, I won't," said the Captain of The Snitch.

Between you - the person who is reading this out of mere fate and destiny - and me, the Captain of The Snitch was lying. I'm sure all of you can agree with me?

Lily raised an eyebrow at him and he didn't crack.

That's when she realized he was going to play it the hard way.

She touched his arm, but that didn't make him crack. She straddled him and the only thing he allowed himself to do was touch her waist.

"Are you trying to trick the words out of me?" asked James, raising an eyebrow at his lover.

"Maybe," said Lily slowly.

She said it slow and in a slightly sing songs voice that there was time for the Captain to laugh a small amount of time until she finish, which honestly wasn't that long.

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