Chpt 37

401 15 0

Eren Kruger?


Luna's pov

"Miss Luna! Angel!" I turned around, looking to see Gabi, Zofia and Udo headed my way. I held Angel's hand so she didn't leave my side in the crowd that soon cleared.

"How are my tiny little warriors doing this fine evening?" I asked as they stopped before me.

"Im excited for the show! What about you, Miss Luna?" Udo asked. "Well im not that interested in hearing what Willy has to say but im sure you all will enjoy what comes next. I'll only stop by for a short time." I said.

Angel released my hand and ran over to Zofia, hugging her. "Can I stay with them mommy?" She asked and I nodded. "Sure thing. Just be careful, all of you." I smiled at each of them, noticing one was missing.

"Hey, where's Falco?" I asked but no one said anything. "He's been visiting this friend of his at the hospital, something like that. Some Kruger guy.." Gabi said shrugging it off, showing that she didnt have a single clue who this man was.

My eyes widened, hearing her say Kruger, my heart skipping a beat. "Kru..ger.." I looked at the kids and smiled. "I'll see you all later okay? Stay safe and dont leave Angel on her own." I said, quickly running off.

Could it be? My father was still alive?! But how? I watched Mr. Yeager eat him in my mothers memories. Did father have another child I didnt know of? I must know!

I ran quickly to get to the hospital which wasnt too far from where I first started.

As i ran into the gates, of the hospital, i stopped, panting in the process. I let out a small sigh before looking around, my eyes landing on falco sitting on the bench next to someone.

"Falco?" I called and he looked at me, standing up and running over. "Lady Luna! What brings you here?" He asked. "Gabi told me you were here. Mentioned a friend you've been seeing?" I said and he pointed over to tge long haired male on the bench who was missing a leg.

"O-oh.." I started.

Falco pulled me over to the man. He had his left eye patched up. He appeared more younger than Father and didnt look like him either.

"Hello sir. Im sorry to have been a bother-"

"It's alright, please have a seat." he insisted and I did.

Eren's pov

There she was. Marley's prize gem, sitting right next to me. Luna Fritz. I expected her to have come here today just where i needed her to be.

She had send Falco on his way saying that his friends were waiting for him.

"This might be straight forward to ask but.. Are you related to Eren Kruger by any chance?" She asked and I shook my head. "No. I've never heard of anyone with that name. As far as I know. My family's name was quite unique."

She sighed in defeat. I knew I crushed her hopes by lying to her but this is the way things should go. "He was my father.. theres so much more I want to know.." She mumbled.

"Lady Luna, right? All there is to know is that the future for you and those you care truly about is bright.." I said, moving my cane to the side.

"I.. wish I could believe you. I cant help but feel like chaos is just around the corner. I can feel a war coming and I want to fight.." She said, catching my attention. This was new. She wasnt suppose to say that.

"Fight? Why?"

"4 years ago, I turned my back on my friends for the man I loved. I honestly miss them I really do. I miss my brother too, we didnt have much time to figure things out. Paradis is coming to marley, I know they are.." She said, looking down sadly.

If I touched her here and now, she'll have control over me like last time when I held her as a titan and she ordered me to drop her. Im positive she has no idea of that ability also.

"Why'd you think they're coming?" I asked, looking up at the sky.

"The Marleyans destroyed their homes. If Marley stays standing, Titans will always be a nuisance to Paradis. Theyre gonna fight to protect their home. Theyre gonna bring the fight here." She said and I looked at her wide eyes.

"Oh! Please forgive me, I didnt mean to startle sorry im babbling on-"

"No. Its okay. I just have one more question im curious to know." I said, looking at her.


"Why haven't you told anyone this?" I asked and she looked down, ashamed.

"Marley...deserves whats coming to them. I've made bonds here with many people and I do wish for them to survive because they all have good hearts, but.."

I noticed the tears falling onto her dress. She had become weak over the years even though she was the knight titan. Aaron was right. The power was wasted on her.

"I have to go.." She stood up, wiping her tears.

"It was nice speaking with you Sir." She said and I nodded before watching her walk away. She was, only here for Reiner and stayed for Angel. Her true home was, Paradis but that part of her was now lost.

I'll get you back home. You wait and see.


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