Affiliation: none
Main weapon: energy sword
Finisher: quantum stream
Height: micro- 175 inches full-size 50 m tall
Timer limit-Infinity powered by will
Personality: kind smart shy brutal
Human host :Leo
Affiliations: strike Junior division strike fighter division ultraman bio
Friends: Danny (Ultraman bio)
Ultraman bio
Affiliation strike Junior division strike fighters division Ultraman blade
Main weapon: unknown
Finisher: unknown
Height: micro 180 in full-size 52 m tall
Time limit: 3 minutes
Transformation devices
Blade: blade riser
Ultraman bio that's a surprise much like his human form but let's just say in the next book y'all will be shell shocked I probably put the most effort into it too meaning it will be a banger
Ultraman necro disgrace to Warrior
Fantasynecro in Ultra with the ability to use Magic an ability extremely exclusive to the afro Ultra however overtime the ability slowly died. I am very few can use it future line on Magic he is extremely inexperienced at fighting hand-to-hand he meets his...