Chapter 2

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{A Few Days Later}

~Barry POV~

Every Night I Go Back To y/n's Cell To Talk To Her. Harry's Only Caught Me The First Time; I've Been More Careful. Honestly, y/n Seems Nice.

Harry Thinks We Should Make A Deal With Zoom. We Give Him Back His Daughter And He Leaves Our World Alone And Gives Back Jesse Wells.

"I Can Think Of Two Outcomes Of This." I Said. "One, It Succeeds And Zoom Leaves, And Two, She Isn't Lying About Zoom Wanting To Kill Her And We Send Her To Her Death At The Hands Of Her Own Father."

"Sounds Like A Win Either Way." Harry Said.

"Harry!" Joe Snapped.

"What?" Harry Said. "We Were All Thinking It."

"No, We Weren't." Caitlin Said. "She May Be A Villain But That Doesn't Mean We Send Her To Her Potential Death."

"I Can't Believe I'm Saying This, But I Agree With Harry On This." Jay Said.

"Jay." Caitlin Said.

"I'm Sorry, But He's Right." Jay Said. "It's A Win-Win Situation. We Get Rid Of Her And Zoom."

"She's A Person, Not A Bargaining Chip." I Said.

"Aren't You The One Who Came Back In The Middle Of The Night To Give Her Food And Thinks She Could Be Good?" Harry Asked. "Or Is That The Wrong-Oh Right, The Other Flash Lost His Speed And Your The Only Good Speedster Here."

"Enough!" Joe Snapped.

{A Week Later}

I Went To Give y/n Some Food, But She Wasn't In The Pipeline. I Quickly Did A Whoosh Around The Lab. Harry And Jay Are Gone Too.

"Harry, Jay, And y/n Are Gone." I Said As I Entered The Cortex.

"You're Kidding." Iris Said. "They Must Be Trying To Make The Trade."

"Harry Asked For Metacuffs Earlier, He Said It Was To Be Safe In Case A Meta Showed Up." Cisco Said.

"Damn It." Joe Said.

"I Put A Tracking Chip In The Metacuffs." Cisco Remembered

"Paranoid Much?" Iris Asked.

"Just A Little." Cisco Said.

~Harry POV~

Jay Managed To Get Zoom To Come To Earth-1 To Make This Deal. We Managed To Get Zoloman Out Without Getting Caught Or Setting Of Any Alarms. She Also Came Without Having To Be Forced.

"This Isn't Going To Work." Zoloman Said. "He May Be My Father But He Hates Me. The Only Value I Have To Him Is The Personification Of His Masculine Victories With A Woman, My Mother To Be Exact. To Him I'm Just A Reminder Of His Virility. He Doesn't Care About Or Love Me In Anyway."

"Bleak." Garrick Said.

"Tell Me I'm Wrong." Zoloman Replied.

"I'm Here." Zoom Said, Whooshing Into The Warehouse.

"Great." I Said. "Where's My Daughter?"

"Safe." He Said. "Mine First."

"Proof Jesse's Safe First." I Said.

He Whooshed Out Then Returned With Jesse.

"Dad!" Jesse Said.

"Jesse!" I Said.

They Whooshed Again And Once He Returned, Jesse Was Gone Again.

"Now, My Daughter." Zoom Said.

I Unlocked The Cuffs And Shoved Her Towards Him.

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