Chapter 4

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"Officer, control yourself. I am sorry for your loss but you are given the responsibility of investigating this case. Come on. Stand up and act like a mature man, right now."

The orotund tone of the haughty boss helps Reyansh to regain his composure as he hides his emotions once again behind his eyes. With a stony cold expression, he stands up rigidly and speaks up in his hoarse voice, "Officer Rishav, send these bodies for post-mortem and seal the place. For now, Officer Oishi, you need to come with me."

All of his colleagues stand there gaping at the sudden change in his demeanor but none dares to utter a single word.

Oishi comes back from her shocking state when she hears the flat tone of Rishav, "Yes sir, right away sir."

She doesn't waste a single second and follows him outside the crime spot. She can see the redness in his eyes and she knows how hard he is trying to be professional when his whole world is upside down. She sighs audibly when she realizes only a strong person like him can tolerate such pain in his heart yet behave like nothing is wrong. The situation reminds her of the day when she lost her little brother along with her father. Eight years ago, they were killed brutally in their old house. Her father was an honest police officer who inspired her to join the police force. However, with the murder of her father and her small brother, she became determined. She was a teenager at that time, who failed to get justice. So she vowed in front of her mother that she would fight against the criminals so that she can banish the crime from this world as soon as possible.

"Did you get any evidence in the spot?"

She didn't realize when she entered his cab and it started running until now. She comes back from her own world as some certain person with a husky voice disturbs her thoughts. She feels embarrassed for zoning out when she is on her duty. Clearing her throat she decides to give him a reply. "No sir. We didn't get any particular or clear evidence but I found something which seems to be strange."

"What is it?" He utters harshly without sparing a single glance at her. His whole concentration is on driving but his clenched jaw and white knuckles prove that his real focus is only in her words. He has always been sensible enough to avoid rough driving but today he seems to have lost his all right senses as he is changing gears constantly like a madman. Can you blame him?

Oishi tries to show her support by placing her hand on that of his which is on the gear of the car. But he instantly jerks his hand away as if she has burnt him. He glares at her with his lifeless eyes while muttering in a cold voice, "I don't need your sympathy. Just answer my question and focus on your job."

She stares at him numbly for a few seconds before looking outside the car window. She never sympathizes with him but she will go under a truck happily before admitting her real intention in front of this jerk face. Clearing her throat she replies in a dry tone, "We found a bag full of clothes as you have already seen. You know about the girl already. However, the dead body of the man was recognized as the famous model, Gurmeet Kochar. Nothing suspicious was found on the spot. We suspect she was raped before the murder, unfortunately. I am sorry."

He doesn't respond to her but increases the speed of the car. None of them speaks a single word again throughout the journey. After some time, the car halts in front of a big mansion. The outside of the mansion looks extremely expensive. A beautiful huge garden is situated around it. A security guard is busy with some copy work at his small cabin outside the enormous gate. As soon as the man notices their cab, he steps forward hurriedly and opens the gate.

Reyansh doesn't wait before entering his cab into the path that leads to the main door of the mansion. Oishi doesn't know what to say anymore. She has never come to this place again. But she keeps her patience expecting him to explain himself. Stopping the car at the garage, he unbuckles his seatbelt and steps out of the car without glancing at her once as if she is invisible. Oishi has no other option than to follow him like a lost puppy.

There must be no one inside the manor as all of the lights are off and the place is eerily quiet. However, he must know the place well and it is clear now. But he is not in any mood to spare her any detail. So she decides to break the silence.

"Where are we?"

She half expects him to reply but like always, he doesn't fail to amaze her as he replies quietly, "My home."

Oishi can't help but utter shockingly, "What? Why?"



To be continued...

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