chapter 6

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Abhirath's provoke:
Took her hands into mine . I noticed she was shivering badly and bruises was on her arms and ankle was turning blue.
Her body was looking sore.

I placed gently her hairs flicks behind the ears. I pulled her even more close to my chest and pulled up the blanket over her shoulder.

She rapped her arms around me.
And sleep took me over.

"There's a special quantity to loneliness of dusk , a melancholy more brooding even than the night's. Nights seems a bit little longer".

Verenya's provoke:
I slowly opened my eyes and saw birds through the window, chirping of birds early in the morning is not less than an euphonious music, I thought.

Suddenly I  came back from my thought into reality and saw myself very closed to his chest.

His arms was rapped around me tightly . I can feel his breathe near my neck which passing chills to my spine.

And suddenly I recalled all the yesterday's moments and harshly pushed his arms.

He woke up and rubbed his eyes and try to regain his consciousness.

Abhirath's provoke :
I saw her glancing me with disgust .

I didn't understand why she was glancing me like this "How dare you ?" She said furiously.

"Dare? " I asked in confusion.

" To change my clothes I think you don't understand that you should ask her before changing her clothes."- she said aggressively.

Abhirath's said calmly-" what can make you think that I changed your clothes ".

I looked him with corner of my eyes.

Abhirath chuckled .

He pulled off the blanket from him and left the chamber.

I grounded in frustration and looked at my sore anklet which was covered with creamy paste , it must be any healing paste which Abhirath applied on my ankle .

I drag myself to the bathroom to freshen up.


Abhirath's provoke:
Someone informed me that my father is calling me.
I walked towards his room.

King of Manyagarh (Abhirath's father)-" Welcome, Abhirath ".

Abhirath- Greets"Father why did you called me over here".

King-" Yes, I'm investigating everything about your mother's attack and you will be amazed that your beloved wife (Princess of Bundi) Verenya did this".

Abhirath hurriedly said-"No, she didn't ".

King-"She can....  and she might have valid reasons to do this. Your decision of exchanging the Bundi kingdom with her was completely wrong. If you haven't married her, these things might not happen."

Abhirath didn't said anything.

King-"Tomorrow, I'm going to convict against her in the justice hall.  I hope you will be there with your wife, otherwise I'm bond to pass order to drag her there. "

Abhirath pleaded while kneel down-" Father, please don't do this. If you wants to punish .... you can punish me in place of her.... please forgive her. She didn't did anything."

King-" I have never thought that you will defend someone who is against your own family and wants to kill them... You are getting blind in love.
I never thought that one girl can change you so much.Someone has said truly that one bad fish can create dirt in whole pond. "

Hey guys,

Do let me know how's u feeling for Abhirath... is he really start loving her... or he just want to save her from Punishment.

And please Vote.

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