chapter 17

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This chapter is unedit because i am quite busy. But because of some readers who were eagerly waiting for my update... so i did it.


Verenya's Provoke: I saw Abhirath going towards her. I control my all emotion and walk beside him. 

"Princess Meera, welcome in Manyagarh. Meet Queen of Manyagarh and my wife Verenya " He said. 

" Namaste( put my hands together to greet her ). I have heard a lot about you," I said and pass a smile. 

She smiled. Abhirath asks her to join us for lunch. I nodded as well. 

She starts walking forward me with Abhirath. I control my anger and clenched my fist. I came on his other side. They both kept talking about how they used to play together. 

 I put my hands over Abhirath pretending to laugh at their talk. Meera noticed. 

" Abhirath, I think we should leave now...she needs to rest after travelling so long," I said and look towards him. 

Abhirath nodded. I took his hand and start moving. She looked with frustration. 

Abhirath's provoke: what happens with Verenya, why all of a sudden she starts behaving so different. I never see them sitting beside me so close and holding my hands to come with her. I can see she is so furious whenever I talk with Meera. No matter what I am happy, it seems she is getting jealous of Meera. I smiled to myself.  Now I got her weak point then lefts have some fun.  

She removes her fist from my hand as we walk out of the Tashrife Khas. I hold her wrist and pulled her towards me. I asked-" It seems someone is getting jealous?" 

"no, why would I be? I don't like you," she said. 

"because you love me."-: said sliding my fingers to her waist. 

  "NO, I don't," I said while pushing him.  He pulled me even more closely and try to kiss me...  

Verenya's Provoke: I saw Meera coming outside Tashrife khas. I put one of my hands on his back and another one on his face to pretend that we are kissing. She looked in our direction and clenched her fist in anger and went inside after removing her eyes. 

I looked at Abhirath who close his eyes like we are going to kiss... I came close and bite his ear. He hissed in pain. 

I laughed and run away. He runs to catch me. "Verenya you have to pay for this. I am telling you," he said while running. 

"Don't underestimate me," I said.

I saw his parents coming and I hug Maa Saa as she come out of her carriage.  Abhirath stopped looking at us. We greet parents. "Where is Meera?" asked Maa Saa. I shifted aside. 

Meera came and said, "I am here Maa Saa".

" Aww, You getting more pretty day by day. I am so happy to see you". said Maa Saa. 

I moved a little more and start walking towards my room... I turned and saw four of them enjoying themselves. seems like I am the outsider, that's what I am. 

I walk towards the bed. lie down on the bed and as tears start falling I put my face to the cushion. 

Hello guys,
I know its a short one ...
Am trying my best to write a long one for my lovely users.

Love u all...

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-Manika singh

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