New Feelings

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Sapnap stood in the bathroom looking into the mirror. His hand pulling on the collar of his shirt showing the marks left from his kiss with George.  His heart skipped a beat as he stared at them, smiling widely to himself.  He ran his finger over the marks slowly, giggling. It was still hard to click that George of all people had done that too him. He had previously thought about how to cover them but eventually decided against it.

With a pleasant sigh, Sapnap left the bathroom and made his way back to his room and to his computer. There was loads of editing to be done for the end of the week, so he put his down and began catching up on what he'd missed.

Not even twenty minutes, there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Yeah?" Sapnap called out as the door opened. Dream stood in the doorway, looking awfully tired. Without a word, Dream crosses the room standing behind Sapnaps chair. The younger twisted himself around to see what he was doing. Then, he felt it.

Two arms wrapped themself around Sapnaps neck as a head dropped onto his shoulder, nestling in. "Heh, hi Dream." Sapnap said as his hand reached up to ruffle the blondes hair.

"What's this all about?"  The brunette laughed lightly as he could feel Dreams breath on his neck. His breathing was soft and controlled and left a slight warmth on the boys neck which sent tingles through the rest of his body. Good tingles.

"M' wan... cuddles..." the older hesitated, his voice slightly muffled by the others neck. Something inside Sapnap fluttered as Dream spoke. His face lit up as a smile spread across his face.

With a leading hand, Sapnap brought Dream round to infront of him, opening his arms as Dream slumped down onto the chair with the other, sitting on his lap as his arms linked around the smaller body infront of him.

Despite Dreams height there was no other issue with Dream curled up into Sapnap and the two sat in a comfortable silence for a while, wrapped around each other.

Part of it felt unreal to Sapnap. The fact that it was Dream hugging onto him and not George or Karl. The fact that there was not argument about touch ending in tears. The fact that it wasn't even Sapnap who suggested the affection by it was the other way around. He loved it. Every god damn second of it.

After a few minutes, Dream began to shuffle and move position. As he lifted his head, he let out a small gasp before sitting up right.
"Sapnap!"  He said, his mouth open in surprise.

"What? What happened?"  Sapnap answered, confused. He followed Dreams eyes, which where locked onto the purple marks littered across his neck from George.

"Okayokayokay. I knew you two where- what ever the fuck that is. But wow Sapnap! Couldn't even tell me?" Dream pouted, folding his arms as if he was a toddler who didn't the lollipop he'd asked for.

Sapnaps cheeks instantly heated up as he laughed awkwardly. "What? Tell you what?" The brunette tugged at his shirt collar, pulling it up slightly.

"Don't make me say it Sap." Dreams tone had shifted from light and jokingly to almost hurt. A frown spread across his face as his eyes remained glued to the others neck.

"Dream, what are you talking about? I'm very quite confused." Sapnap continued, taking the older boys hand and holding it. Dream bit his gum, wincing as he accidentally drew a slight amount of blood from the pressure of his teeth.

"Well it's- you know... it's just so painfully obvious that you two are dating now! I just wanna know why I wasn't told...." Dream trailed off, no finishing his sentence as he fell silent. Then, Sapnap seemed to choke on air before regaining slight composure.

"What the fuck? Dream no! We've just been close! I can assure you." He laughed, a genuine laugh which painted Dreams face with confusion.

"But- you two.. the closeness- hickeys?!"

"Okay okay. Just shut up and hug me again." Sapnap snapped back, pulling Dreams head closer to him again and link his arms around him.

"No! Tell me about it. Where are the hickeys from then?" Dream huffed, determined to get an answer as Sapnap just rolled his eyes.

"Alright. Okay fine. We kissed the other night and then he- well, you know. It's not that big a deal." He shrugged, laughing as he recalled the event and the feelings, the touch.

"Bro, what! Actually? No way." Dream joined in laughing however it suddenly didn't feel so funny to him. A wave of sadness crashed over his body, causing him to stop laughing and instead curl up into the younger boy, hugging him tightly. For whatever reason he felt the need to just sob?

It was daft really. And he had no idea why he felt this. Was it to do with the fact his best friends where kissing? Did it add onto the jealousy he felt watching them? There was so many new feelings that hit him all at once which caused him to just shut down and close his eyes. Within less then a few minutes, Dream was sound asleep in the others arms.

After waiting a few minutes to make sure Dream was actually asleep, Sapnap picked up his phone and clicked onto George's contact, quickly typing with one hand as his other stayed wrapped around the blonde.


George, I need to talk to you
About Dream.

What about him?

He's been acting weird.
Off almost.

Call me in about
An hour.


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