Feral News

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It had been just over a week since George and Sapnaps call and unfortunately, nothing had changed. The two sat and waited in hopes for Dream to join them before giving up and just sticking with each other. At this point, there was no reason to try. Dream didn't want anything. And it hurt.

However, despite both of them waiting for Dream they had begun talking about their own terms. It had became more and more obvious that there was something more then friends between them. Although they both longed for the same with Dream. So after a long conversation, the pair came to their agreement.

"So.. is this official? Us two?" George asked as the two sat in Sapnaps room.

"I think so. Is that alright with you?" The younger said, smiling. George gave a quick nod, holding onto Sapnaps hand. "Me and you then. Who would of thought!" The pair laughed lightly before George pulled the other into a kiss. Unlike the last, it was soft and gentle. No intent of going any further but just enough to show it was genuine.

Once breaking the kiss, Sapnap gave a smirk, before trapping the older in a hug, holding him close as they laughed together. "I can't believe this happened before 'oh! Dnf!! Blue and green guys!!!'" Sapnap laughed out in a mocking tone. It will still crazy to him that fans where so set on Dream and George's relationship. George joined in laughed before speaking, "I wonder what the fans would think when we tell them." Then the two stopped for a moment. Their laughter died down as the looked at each other.

"Fuck. What would they think?" The younger repeated, looking up to the ceiling. A hand held onto his as he looked back down the face George. "Whatever they think shouldn't effect us in anyway. Why care?" George smiled.

The pair both shared bright smiles with each other before they decided to do something else productive with their day.

"We should stream. Together. From your room." Sapnap slurred, cuddling into the other boy. George hummed in agreement, nodding his head. "That sounds great! But do you want face cam?" The older asked. "Why not?" Sapnap smiled, getting up into his feet.

With a laugh, Sapnap tapped George's shoulder before running to the door and shouting "last one downstairs is a Mickey Mouse Streamer!" He said quickly as he ran into the hall.

"Hey! You dick. That's so unfair!" George Said as he followed the younger down the stairs laughing.

After a few minutes and making sure the camera was working, the two went live. Instantly chat flooded with surprise at the two boys next to each other. Yeah, they'd confirmed their meet but they hadn't streamed like this since George arrived.

Sapnap sat as close to George as he could, clinging onto his arm while they waited for MineCraft to load up, talking to chat and answering questions.

"Hii chatt." George smiled before resting his head onto the others shoulder, earning some 'aww's' from chat. The pair just smiled at each other before hopping into their routine and began speedrunning. Well. Attempting to. George somehow had managed to die in the first 3 minutes.

After about fifteen minutes, the door opened causing the two too look up at who was entering. Dream stood in the doorway pouting with his arms crossed.

"Streaming without me, are we?" He asked walking towards the desk. Chat instantly filled with hi's and hello's at Dreams arrival.

"Wait! Cams on Dream. Careful." George laughed, making sure dream would be able to stand behind them while being out of frame, which was quite easily accomplished based on his height.

The blonde waved his hands infront of the camera saying hello to chat before Sapnap looked up at him. "Stay with us for a bit. We've hardly seen you today!" He frowned, as George nodded his head in agreement.

"How about that chat? 3/3 content from the same room!" The Brit exaggerated out his tone like he usually did. Dream just gave a soft sigh, before wrapping his arms around the younger brunette, hugging him slightly, watching the camera cautiously to keep out of frame.

George just gave a quick smirk and hit Sapnap on the shoulder, small enough for chat to not notice before they continue on back with their normal chat.

During the stream, Dream took ahold of Sapnaps hand, holding it gently as he kept talking, not making a thing about it. Sapnap on the other hand, flush a light red at the touch smiling silly to himself.

The stream went of for a free hours as usual, before George decided it was time to end. The three of them said their goodbyes, waving at the camera before pressing the end button.

Once the stress from the camera was gone, Dream let his head rest onto Sapnaps, watching as the younger picked up his phone.

"Oh Karl texted me!" He said excitedly, opening the message before reading out loud.

"Hey Sap. Was watching the stream and had an idea. Why don't the three of you come up. I'll get Quackity and we will do a Feral meet." His tone pitched at the end as the three shared a goofy smile at the news.

"That sounds awesome!" George smiled widely as Dream nodded his head frantically, brushing against Sapnaps hair as he did. "So we in?" He asked.

The three agreed and Sapnap sent a message back.

"Sounds like great fun! Count us in. :D"


Hey besties. Updates are probably gonna be a bit less consistent now. I've struggling to read and write and it's been giving me headaches. My vision is just getting bad.D:
Hopefully I can get it sorted soon and be back to normal!

-love Bug :]

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