I Spy...

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Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn are searching the hobbit's trail, trying to find Pippin [Peregrin Took] and Merry [Merriadoc Brandybuck]. Being the good friend he is, Legolas decides to distract Gimli from worrying about the rumors that they have heard of the Forest of Fangorn.

As we walked through the woods of Fangorn, I decided I would distract Gimli from his worrying of what might've be in store for us in the thick, dead-feeling forest. You see, we had been search for Pippin and Merry a while without success and when their trail had led here, to this dreaded place, Gimli had almost refused to continue. You know how it is with superstitious dwarves. Scared of trees that can talk. 

"Let's play a game shall we?" I suggested, breaking the heavy silence. "Hm?" Gimli managed to reply, his eyes searching for some sort of danger the forest might've thrown at us. "I said," I looked down to him [that sounds mean :] to make sure I had his attention. Once I had made sure I had it, I continued, "Let's play a game."

Aragorn, nodding with approval [he too had noticed Gimli's discomfort], helped me out. "How about 'I Spy'?" He enquired. Gimli didn't not stop his eyes from searching our surroundings. He simply nodded.

"Okay, so...I spy with my...Do I really have to say that?" I said. It seemed that my distraction for Gimli was successful. "Just say the first letter of the thing you are spying..." Gimli replied, still looking a bit distracted, but at least he now actually looked up at us when he spoke. 

"Good. Hmmm...It begins with 'I'." I stated. "I...am dwarfed." "Gimli, that really was not funny. And Legolas," Aragorn started. "Yes?" I asked, while doing my best to keep a straight face. "Although you do have very good eyes, I very much doubt you can see Isengard  from here." "Fine." I said, grudgingly.

Gimli thought this was hilarious. Either that, or he had seen one of the dangers he had been looking for in Fangorn and was having a nervous break-down. I looked to my left and right. I saw something - some kind of strange light...Saruman???  I let it go for the time being. Perhaps I'm just imagining it...

Aragorn went next, "It starts with 'S'..." I started to think he might have seen the old wizard too; 'S'aruman. If he had, he showed no sign of it. The light I had previously seen grew stronger, until I could no longer ignore it, "The White Wizard approaches," I whispered, trying to keep calm. I couldn't help but  feel that Aragorn had seen the wizard the whole time. 

His next statement confirmed my suspicions. "I believe so..." He muttered. I realised he had played that game to see if I too had seen the White Wizard. He grew serious. "Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us!" He remained calm, but there was urgency in his words. He started to unsheathe his sword. Gimli tightened his grip on his axe. I held my bow down with my left hand and fingered an arrow with my right.

"We must be quick" Aragorn whispered. Although he did not go into much detail, we all understood. Strike him. Strike the White Wizard. At the time we had had our backs facing the light. We turned now to strike the wizard. I was surprised to see [not really see] that the light had gotten completely unbearable and we were blinded as soon as we set eyes upon the light.

Nonetheless, we all prepared to strike. So we did. As soon as Gilmi raised his axe, threw it and it was deflected. My arrow too, was deflected. Aragorn's sword grew red hot until he could no longer bear it and he dropped it. 

The wizard spoke. "Gandalf, not Saruman. Geez Aragorn. Starts with 's'," He mimicked. "Well, looks like I won that round."  

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