Update/Chapter 5

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Hey y'all how've you been? So this is a tiny update just to let you know I'm not dead, not that it matters or anything like that XD Anyways I've been lazy, and just haven't had inspo to update this but that ain't stopping me from writing ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ I'll keep updating whenever I have energy or inspiration! :p Also THANKS TO THOSE WHO HAVE READ AND VOTED I REALLY APPRECIATE IT <3
Author's POV
The next morning everyone woke up and got ready for school, walking through the crowded hallways Shinsou made his way to class hoping to catch up with Iida but of course this wasn't possible since Iida had already been in the classroom for a couple hours. (He's an early bird as always) "Hey Shinsou!" Said the green eyed freckle boy that was waving at him. "Hey, what's up?" Said the sleepy boy. "So about what you asked last time, everyone agreed to help!" "Really? Even Bakugo?" Said Shinsou raising an eyebrow "Yep even Kacchan!!" "Sweet" said the purple haired boy now entering the classroom. "What's sweet Shinsou-kun?" He heard a familiar voice say 'oh shit' shinsou thought to himself "oh uh nothing" "okay? If you say so!" *Iida's random hand motions* "NOW EVERYONE SIT DOWN THE TEACHER WILL BE HEAR ANY MINUTE NOW!!" Shouted Iida not knowing Aizawa has been there the whole time in his sleeping bag. "Shuddup" said the teach "Anyways all you will need today is a pencil and an eraser, you will be having a test" "WHAAT!?" (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ shouted half of the class (AKA bakusquad) "A TEST ON THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL!? That ain't fair Sensei >:(" said buzz buzz boy "Life isn't fair, now zip it and start"¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯
**After the exam**
"Well you guys are free to leave, now go before I decide to give you extra homework" said the sleeping bag on the floor. "Man that test made me feel shitty >_<"  said Denki walking down the hall with Shinsou"I know Mr.Aizawa really did us dirty for not telling us about it earlier" said the  purple-headed boy scratching the back of his head. "Anyways about you know who, do you think he likes flowers? Should I get some for him when I ask him to prom?" Asked Shinsou now kinda nervously chatting with Denki "I'm not sure, Iida doesn't seem to like a lot of stuff haha. I'm sure flowers will be fine bud believe it or not Iida is great at accepting gifts." Denki said as they arrived to the elevator. *Elevator doors open* "Oh hey guys! How'd you do in the exam?" Asked Iida now exiting the elevator "Iida my man, I don't wanna talk about it right now" *single tear rolls down the blondes face* "Heh- how about you Shinsou-kun?" "It went d-decent... yeah... Say Iida out of curiosity are you gonna uh... You know... T-taking someone to prom this year? I-i MEAN IT'S NOT LIKE  an obligatory thing to do but ya know I'm just curious!
⊙﹏⊙" Shinsou was now nervously shaking "Well actually I haven't thought about much, school events like these don't necessarily interest me as much as the ones where we get to work on our fighting styles or just learn" said Iida while doing his hand motions "o-oh right-" "although I might consider it" said Iida cutting off what Shinsou was about to say "Anyways I have to go but see you guys around" as he walks away leaving both the boys get to their destinations.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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