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so like guy who brought me in here like ran off lmao what a pussy

so me & 049 are alone n shit lol

i'm gettin kinda nervy in his presence bc like dayummm mans hot i can only WONDER what lay beneath those weird skin robes is that like 049 foreskin or smth

yeah anyway so he's like "i can smell the dirty stench of the great pestilence piercing my delicate nostrils and i find myself in a strange fit of desire to cure." and i'm like "ayo u've got nostrils???" n he's like "yeh lol"

anyway then he runs off & i watch him touch this other person and i get really jealous bcuz why can't he touch me instead 😐😐😐 but the person dies & he starts dissecting it like a legend

suddenly some guy comes walkin' down the hallway and i'm like why's he got that fuckin ugly greek theatre mask on but 049 is like "oh hey 035 XD"

035 moves over and hugs 049 and i'm like "yo get tf off my mans" and 035 is like "ehehehe" and like tries to corrode me but 049 is like "no, my dear friend, you musn't touch her! i fear i may have become attatched to the mortal..."

035 just laughs and weird black goop goes everywhere oh my god it's like when people talk when they're eating and food goes everywhere and it's gross and you wanna cry but you don't wanna be rude so you just suffer

the body 049 was dissecting gets up and walks off & 049 is like "yuhhh" and then 049, 035 and i walk in the opposite direction

scp-049 x fem reader 😍😍(WARNING: SEGGSY)Where stories live. Discover now