untitled part (gone wrong) (gone sexual)

136 5 8

louuud crash was heard! cor blimey mate. dr clef & i zoom off to see what it was cuz together we can kill god.

it was........... SCP-049??

"what the fuck" i hear alto say. i agree with his question.

049 turns to look at us and he goes "ah, my love! it appears my dearest friend, 035, was snatched from me in a sudden and unexpected event! i am deeply worried about the mask wearer." the robed creature uttered. 

clef (my bruther) laughed manicaly. 

"wow dude y do u speak liek that ur fuckin mental man where r u from, fuckin france?" he sayd.

"why, yes i am indeed from france, three eyed blonde one. how were you aware of that fact?" 049 says and like im going crazu ffrom his wild 049 sexy aura. 

"u haev frnace accent" clef says. 049 blink.

"anyway, my sweetest dearest love, 035 is missing and i believe it is in your best interests to search for him alongside myself." 049 eloquently says. then his eyes go red and he reachs a hand for me thorat. "....or else" he says edgily and i shuddr from arousal cuz when he theatns me its soooo sexy.

"ok i will help u. on 1 condition." i say. 049 nods, showing i shuld continew.

"my brothhr alto clef can cum wit us lol" and 049 nods and then we all go search for the gooey mask posession thong oops i mean thing tho tbh 035 would rock a thong yk what im sayin babes

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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scp-049 x fem reader 😍😍(WARNING: SEGGSY)Where stories live. Discover now