Soon, Jonah started getting bored he had nothing to do so he went to look for someone familiar,he found the guy in the wheelchair ,his name tag said "Hi I'm Garret,customer service"so Jonah assumed that was his name,-Hey,Garret,do we have any kind of training? I've just been wandering from one department to another,trying to look like I have purpose.- he asked. Garret answered with a slightly focused grin,-It works better if you have a box.There see,you learn as you go.Look man,only a few things to remember:always show up on time,don't steal and stay on the floor supervisor's good side - Garret passed the box to Jonah and retreated for another one.At first,Jonah thought Garret was being sarcastic but Garret actually went to get another and joined him again.Jonah wondered who the floor supervisor was.He hoped it wasn't the toilet paper lady because he would be in trouble.-The fl..Who's the floor supervisor?-he asked.Garret pointed straight at Amy,Looked at Jonah and went off.Oh no,Jonah thought,he was in big trouble ,the toilet paper girl was the supervisor.He needed to somehow apologise,but how?He walked over to her writing things down on an electronic scanner and interrupted.-Hey,can we...can we start over again?I'm Jonah-he pointed to his badge -and you're,erm-He looked at her badge,it said Ramona,Eureka he finally knew her name,he really liked her,thought she could be a great friend but knew those feelings were not hers.-You are Ramona!-,he said.She quickly stopped him,in a firm voice,one that all the strict teachers use at school when they are angry-Nope!That is not my name.I just don't like random strangers using my name like we're buddies-she kind of smiled.
-Right,like how hookers don't like to be kissed on the lips.- he explained not really thinking about the consequences of what he just said.-WHAT? Amy thought,that guy was really testing her patience,worse than her daughter when she has a temper tantrum,she was gonna get this guy straight,he didn't come here to insult everyone around him just because he was rich,she was gonna teach him a lesson-Did you just compare me to a hooker?-she said in a stingy voice-You look bored.Let me help you with that.All electronics are supposed to be 25% off,but our POS system is down.So you can scan ,hit "assign","enter","override yes","reduce 0.25","enter,yes,yes."-Jonah wasn't looking at what to do,he was looking at Ramona lovingly and thinking that maybe she could be more than just a great friend,she didn't have a wedding ring so therefore wasn't married.-Got it?-Amy asked.Behind them,was Cheyenne and Bo who seemed to be proposing to his girlfriend.Suddenly,Cheyenne squealed in excitement which immediately bought Amy's attention.I hope she doesn't make the mistakes I did,she thought. Yet when she realised what had just happened,Amy ran over to Cheyenne prepared for everything.On her way there an older lady started talking to her ,asking about the difference between a stool softener and laxative,Amy casually asked the lady to wait a bit but the lady carried on so,she just ignored her.-Cheyenne,what is going on?-she asked ,it was a rhetorical question as Amy could clearly see that Bo was about to propose to Cheyenne.-You know,I had,I hadn't realised earlier that Cheyenne was the lucky girl you'd be proposing to.-she said to Bo.
-Yeah,well,I Knocked her up,so my dad says I have to.-he answered in his really annoying voice,by that time a crowd had formed around them and people in the crowd were shouting"how romantic".-That's how I do it,yo,100% love.-The old lady interrupted and asked about bulking agents. Amy took Chey to the side,inside she really hoped Chey said no but her head kept telling her that Cheyenne is 16 so obviously she said yes.
-Chey,you didn't say yes ,did you?-Amy asked, looking straight into Cheyenne's eyes.
Confused and surprised,Cheyenne asked-Why wouldn't I say yes?.
Caringly,but a bit bothered,Amy did a whole speech on how you shouldn't get swept up in things.The speech went a bit like:Cheyenne,I know how easy it is to get swept up in the...romance of all of...this.But.think it through,okay?Don't do something you are going to regret for the rest of your life.
Thinking it was for her,the older lady came up to Amy and thanked her for the advice,whilst Chey,a little confused, went off.
Meanwhile,in electronics,Jonah got a bit bored,he should have listened to Ramona,but he just couldn't ,he saw Mateo pass by and thought that Mateo must also be bored as he didn't receive any training either.-Hey,I Think,I got it down,-said Jonah willing to start a conversation but his hopes turned down when Mateo forced a smile,squinched his eyes and said in his sassy little voice -No offence,but you're my competition,so i'm kind of actually really rooting for you to fail!okay,thanks,bye-
Well that was a fail,maybe someone else would be willing to congratulate him?Oh,yes.he saw Ramona talking to Glenn and behind them Dina.He Didn't really know Ramona's real name so instead shouted,-Hey,you,I Think I got the hang of this now!-and waved.Amy,despite seeing him ,she ignored him and carried on talking to Glenn.Luckily for Jonah,Dina saw him and waved back.In her mind,Dina thought Jonah was flirting with her and therefore a few seconds later smiled.In the background a few customers started shouting something all running down the aisles with expensive electronic items.Weird,Amy thought.Maybe Glenn knew what had happened?-What is happening?-she asked.
-Maybe there is a race riot?It's so hard to tell in the early stages.-he answered.They both looked at Jonah,busy repricing all t6he items-Could be the rapture,but then why am I still here?-Amy stopped him,she knew what had happened ,she shouldn't have let the stupid new guy reprice the electronics.She walked overto him,said,-you're only discouting everything 25% right?-and asked him to tell her what to press,he showed her and at that moment the terror rose in Amy's throat instead of discounting things by 25% Jonah made everything cost 25 cents.Without thinking she ran to the front entrance screaming,shut it down and told the security man,Frank, to not let anyone out then she proceeded to run outside ,make sure no one took home the things and she angrily started pulling items out of a lady's car.Inside Garret was doing one of his announcements,-Attentions shoppers,due to an employee error,very expensive electronics are pricing out at 25 cents.This mistake is being corrected,so....STOCK UP QUICK!GO,GO,GO!-
In the middle of all of this,Mateo tried catching Glenn to tell him that he was better than Jonah.By the door,Frank couldn't handle it,millions of shoppers were hitting him with carts trying to get out,Suddenly,Dina ran in with a gun,shot it in the air and screamed as loud as she could that the sale has ended.
Later,In the break room,Glenn started an emergency meeting,-There is no need to identify,whoever it is -he waved his hand around pointing at everyone in there-whose fault this was.We can all learn a lesson here-Mateo interrupted Glenn ,his face all smug-Would that lesson be,not letting Jonah reprice electronics in the future?-He sarcastically smiled at Jonah and gestured for Glenn to carry on.Glenn carried on talking about punctuality and the rules they have to follow.In the back,Jonah was mouthing to Amy that he was sorry and Amy just smiled back.Her smile was so precious to Jonah and he could stare at it for a very long time.Then he whispered over to Garret asking-Hey,do they allow employees to date supervisors?-Garret look at him confused and then waved his head to say i don't know .Dina overheard this and smiled frantically,so Jonah really was in love with her there was no denying.
Jonah wondered if he could make Ramona smile again therefore,he stacked a load of cans into a sad face to show her he was sorry and when he finished he called her over.What does that imbecile want from me? Amy thought,and reluctantly came over to Jonah.
A book of the cloud 9 stories
Roman d'amourI will be adding to this story often,will probably just be season 1 and if it goes well maybe season 2 I do not own any chracters in this book nor do i own the storyline this si just a remake of the series in a book form