We're Too Old To Be Misbehaved

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A/n- Ok so this is the second part. Was gonna wait awhile put it was eating my brain so had to start it! This first chapter may seem a bit slow but i'm trying to figure out how to drag it out a bit because with the outline I have now, this story will have lots of intense drama later, but it also leaves this book a bit short. Also Once again!! same as before characters personalities do NOT depict the person playing it. Any similarities are just coincidence! I'd also like to thank everyone for allowing me to use you again, and Thanks to our 2 new casts for joining! On with it!!


     The girls got along good with the other students at school, sure they avoided the popular crowd but they didn’t pick any fights with anyone. They had befriended a few people. One of these was Kacee Laurin, a 16 year old girl who had a punkish style. Bangles and other braclets covered her arms. Jessica was the one that had class with her first. They clicked instantly because of one noticeable thing. Hair. Jessica still had her cherry red locks and Kacee had a layered redish brown look with purple tips. Jessica introduced her to the others and of course she was an instant friend to the girls. Out of the friends they had at school, Kacee was the one who came to their house a lot. Mostly because she lived a few blocks down. Kacee had a 13 year old sister named Christon. She had a darker shade of red in her hair. She dressed about the same but her outfits weren’t as loud as her older sister Kacee. She mostly wore an occasional band tee and skinny jeans strapped with a pair of Chuck Taylors. She was in her last year at middle school. Jay and her were like partners in crime.

    With spring break nearing, along with Caitlin’s birthday, the Armstrong family had to come up with some ideas.

“Alright so here’s how we’re going to do it!” Billie said setting a top hat open-end up on the kitchen counter. All the children were gathered around along with Adrienne. “Everyone will write some sort of trip on a slip of paper, fold it up and put it in the hat. Then I will draw at a slip, and whatever is on it we will go there. Ok?” Everyone nodded. Billie grabbed a notebook and two pencils then ripped some strips of paper of handing a piece to each person. “I only have two pencils so share.” He handed one to Hedda who was on one end and one to Joey who was on the paper. They wrote and folded they’re paper tossing it in just before passing their pencil down.  When all the papers were in Billie stirred them around with his hand and pulled one out he opened and read out loud. “Beach.” He looked up and everyone was smiling he raised an eyebrow and looked in the hat. He started to open up a few and saw they said beach. “Did you all put beach?” They looked to each other and nodded.

“Why didn’t you just ask us all what we wanted?” Caitlin questioned. He shrugged and picked up the hat tilting it a bit.

“I don’t know I had this hat, and wanted to put it to use.” He smiled. Everyone giggled. “So we’re going to the beach and Caitlin if you want that can be like for your birthday. Of course we can have a party for you when we get back.” She smiled and nodded.

“Sounds cool.” She said smiling.

“Alright, everyone can go back to what they were doing now.” Every one dispersed. Joey went back to his drums to clean them up; Jakob to his game; Hedda, Bella, and Caitlin to the couch to finish a song they were working on; Jay was helping Jessica and Adrienne in the kitchen. Adrienne was cooking dinner while Jessica and Jay baked cookies. They heard the door bell. Everyone watched as Billie walked over to answer it. He opened the door.

“Hi Mr. A! The girls home?”

“Well hello miss Kacee and Christon. They are come on in.” He said opening the door wider.

“Thanks.” Christon said as they had to limbo under Billie’s arm to get in. He laughed and shut the door. Jessica pushed the cookies in the oven, and her and Jay walked to them hugging them. They joined the rest of the girls in the living room giving them the same greeting.

“Whatcha workin on there?” Kacee said pointing at the paper Bella had.

“Oh on a few lyrics.” Caitlin said handing her the paper. Christon leaned over and read along with Kacee.

“Wow this is awesome!” She said handing it back.

“Aw thanks, It’s not finished yet.” Caitlin said.

“Yeah we still got a few tweaks in it.” Bella added.

“I’m sure you’ll work it out.” Christon said smiling. Caitlin smiled and nodded.

“Oh! Guess what we’re doing for spring break!” Jessica said.

“Where?” Kacee said turning to her.

“The beach!” She said excited.

“Oh my god so are we!” Christon said excited grabbing her sisters arm.

“Yeah, what beach?” Kacee asked. Jessica bit the side of her jaw then turned to Caitlyn with an eyebrow raised.

“Oh we haven’t figured that part out, we just decided on the beach like not even ten minutes ago.” Caitlin said adding a chuckle at the end. Kacee giggled.

“We’re going down state to Long Beach.” Kacee said.

“Why that’s like a 5 and a half hour drive depending on traffic.” Hedda asked. Kacee shrugged.

“Just something new and different than the same old beach an hour from here.”

“Makes sense.” Jessica added. The smell of cookies filled the air.

“Mmmm. Something smells delicious!” Christon said.

“The cookies!” Jessica yelled jumping up. Her curly pig tails bounced a bit. She ran to the kitchen, and Jay followed. They opened the oven and the air grew sweeter. “Ah! Perfect!” She said in an excited high pitch squeal. Billie watched from he’s seat at the counter. They laid the cookies in front of him and he started fanning them. When he went to grab one, Adrienne smack at his hand.

“Ahhnt! Not till after dinner.” He pulled his hand back rubbing it Jay giggled and Jessica stuck her tongue out at him. He stuck his out right back. “Billie, be nice.” Adrienne said.

“Jess started it!” He said pointing.

“And im finishing it!” She turned and smiled to him. He smiled back then winked.

“Oh Gah! PERVE ALERT!” Jessica yelled. “Come on Jay we’re not old enough to be around here at the moment; Especially with this old man.” Jay snickered as Jessica grabbed her wrist pulling her out of the kitchen.

“I am not old!” Billie said turning facing them as they sat in the living room.

“You’re 40!” Caitlin teased.

“What!? Since when?” He looked a bit shocked.

“Since last February!” She chuckled.

“Oh yeah.. Damn… Do I look 40?” He asked.

“25.” She winked. He smiled and turned to Adrienne.

“Sweet. Here that babe I look 25… and I still got it!” He smiled. She smiled and bit her bottom lip. She leaned over the counter and kissed him.

“Yes you do sweetie.” She whispered.

“Blahhh!” Billie turned to see all the girls leaned over the back of the couch acting like they were puking. Even Kacee and Christon joined they’re silly antics.

“We’re only kidding. I think your guises love is sweet and charming.” Bella said as they all sat up smiling and nodding.

“Aww thanks Bells.” Billie said.

    The girls chatted more about spring break that was coming up in two weeks. Kacee and Christon couldn’t stay for dinner, but they grabbed a cookie for on the go. After dinner the girls went to bed. They were excited about their beach trip because even though they lived in Florida in the past the orphanage never too trips to the beach, and even before being sent to the orphanage if they did go to the beach it was when they were young and couldn’t remember.  

-I hope you enjoyed this 1st chapter. I'm trying to wiggle my way back into Life Unimagined story, even though i just finished the first book a week or so ago I have already gotten use to several other stories so it's like i'm having to get my self use to their characters again... That probably sounds strange but just bare with me.

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