I Am The Bullet In Your Magazine

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   Ok so I actually didnt get a chance to finish this chapter because of getting sick but i thought it would only be fair to go ahead and post what I had... I knew it would take awhile before I could work on it again because im having to catchup with what ive missed the past two days! Please comment and let me know what you think. Thanks guys for reading!

    Caitlin heard the door bell and covered her head. She heard Billie or Adrienne walking from the bedroom, then she heard Billie’s voice. She tossed and turned trying to get back to sleep but the sound of a strange male voice sparked her curiosity. She threw the covers back.

“You’re under arrest.” She rubbed her eyes.

“Wait what the fuck is going on?” She heard Billie say. She turned to the steps and saw him being cuffed. Billie looked up and saw her. Her jaw dropped and her eyes grew wide along with his. She took off running to Adrienne and told her.

“What!” Adrienne jumped up and saw two police officers forcing Billie out of the door. Billie was asking questions and raising hell but the officers continued reading him his rights. She took off running. “What is the meaning of this?!”

“Ma’am we need you to step back. “That’s my husband.” She looked outside and saw two more cars along with a black police van.

“Just tell me what the fuck is going on!” Billie yelled.

“We’ve received reports and are forced to place you under arrest for child sex trafficking until further investigation.” Adrienne’s eyes widened.

“WHAT! You can’t be serious!?” Billie yelled in shock the girls had made it down stairs.

“That’s not true!” Caitlin said angrily. A cop stepped past Adrienne, who was in shock.

“Are you girls…” He looked in at his book. “Caitlin, Bella, Hedda, Jay, and Jessica Armstrong?” They all held each other’s hands.

“Yeah what of it?!” Caitlin questioned. The cop turned back and waved. Several policemen stepped in. Adrienne had slid down the side of the wall still staring in shock. 

“You girls need to come with us!” They said pulling on their arms.

“No!” They started yelling pulling. Adrienne jumped up.

“You’re not taking them anywhere!”

“Ma’am we have a court order stating these girls to be put in a safe house until further notice.” The cop handed her a paper and she started reading it as each cop grabbed a girl up one by one.

“Get your hands off my girls!” Billie yelled from near the road. They were opening a door to put him in the back of a cop car.

“Sir get in.”

“What are they doing!?”

“They are being taken to a safe place sir. Get in the car before I have to use force.” The cop pushed Billie’s head down. Billie turned and watched as Adrienne sat on the steps crying reaching out. Another cop was holding her back. Each girl cried as they were being loaded in to the van. Caitlin was kicking and jerking yelling out every cuss word, so another cop grabbed her legs and lifted her off the ground. Jessica was being pushed in last. She acted like she was cooperating until she did a quick jerk and turned. She was free and she ran to Adrienne grabbing tight. Billie teared up. Adrienne held her tight till two cops pried them apart. A cop threw Jessica over he’s shoulder. Billie saw her cry reaching for the car he was in.

“Jess! Girls!” He yelled from in the car, he’s head against the window. Billie had no idea what was going on. He was in shock as the van door was closed. The police left Adrienne on the porch. Billie saw he’s sons run up to her hugging her. They looked to Billie as his car drove off. The van pulled off behind him. Billie kept his head to the window and tears slowly fell. He then saw Paul standing out in his yard as they were about to pass. Billie sat up and looked. Paul had a devilish grin as he waved. “That’s him! That’s the real child abuser! Not me! I just wanted to help those girls!” The police didn’t seem to care. “Are you really not going to hear my side?!”

“Sir we were given orders and we are going to follow them. You can state your side when we get there.” One police officer said.

“I don’t even know what the hell’s going on!” Billie said. “Where are you taking my girls?”

“Like I said Mr. Armstrong, They’re being taken to a safe place. Our team doesn’t take child abuse accusations like this lightly, so they are not allowed to return back until we know what’s going on.”

“There’s nothing going on!! I just told you that guy Paul! He’s the one who’s behind all this! He’s the one abusing his daughters!”

“Tell it to the sheriff.” 

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