rules + guidelines

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 welcome to the rules and guidelines section of astronomy 🔭

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welcome to the rules and guidelines section of astronomy 🔭

remember - you must follow through will all of these rules, or else i will not be able to cater your graphic needs. so please - don't skim through these rules.

🚀 do not shop - hop - also known as : requesting the same graphic from different shops and not using all of them

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🚀 do not shop - hop
- also known as : requesting the same graphic from different shops and not using all of them. just don't do it. if you want a graphic, just choose a shop, and I'm sure they'll be more than happy to fulfill your request without you having to screw them over.

🚀 add as many details possible to your request
- I've had requests that are super vague plenty of times before. i know it can be tricky to put the design you want into words (trust me, I know), but for your sake and the designer's sake, just add as many details possible to your request. more details = faster service, since it's easier for me to know what you want. heck, you can even add pictures for inspiration if you want!

🚀 your story must have at least two chapters published. otherwise, you can contact me through a private message and verify your order with me.
- i know this rule can be a bummer for a lot of people, including me at times, so I've created some wiggle room for people who are in desperate need of a graphic. now there's a difference between : 'hm, I have this idea for a story I haven't planned at all, but ima just get a cover for it anyways and just keep it for a while' and 'I've planned out this novel and I'm in the process of writing it, but I don't have a cover for it yet. I'm planning on publishing it soon, so I'll order a custom cover for it.' the latter situation is the only circumstance in which I'll make exceptions for this rule. otherwise, I'll have to decline the request.

🚀 be sure to fill out the entirety of the form - double check if needed.
- please fill out the entire form. yes, I know it may sound silly, but I've had people (including myself) who've accidentally forgotten to add something to their form. but if you do forget something like your password, which will be your zodiac sign, I'll remind you once to fix it. any more warnings will result in a denied request. if you think this may be you - be sure to double-check the form.

🚀 i can deny any request
- I've given a couple of instances in which I'll deny a request above - if you don't fill out the form correctly or if your story isn't published - but if you're being rude or impatient, if you didn't detail your request enough, or if you didn't follow all of the rules above, then you'll be blacklisted and I will have to deny your request. i don't like doing this type of stuff, but if you won't, at the very least, follow my rules, then you haven't given me a reason to make you a free graphic.

🚀 use the graphic for at least 14 days (two weeks)
- well, if I'm taking time to make your graphics. . .then you'll at least appreciate them for a couple of weeks, right? :puppy eyes:

🚀 you can order up to two graphics (same or different type) at a time
self-explanatory. it's just so I can keep track of orders easier if someone orders more than one graphic. if you need more than two moodboards just direct message me and let me know that you want more than two and I'll allow it.
🚀 do not steal or copy my work. only use the graphics I give you permission to use.
- just don't do it. it's just outright disrespectful.

[note: i do do lgbtq+ covers BUT i do not do smut/18+ story covers]

 [note: i do do lgbtq+ covers BUT i do not do smut/18+ story covers]

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- credits to @dregsbeforedrugs- in whatever place you used that graphic in. (bio, desc, chapter etc.)

- a permanent follow to @dregsbeforedrugs- (this account)
- a hug from me because everyone needs one


- nobody. i hope to keep it that way!

hope you're enjoying astronomy so far ☄️

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hope you're enjoying astronomy so far ☄️

hope you're enjoying astronomy so far ☄️

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