welcome to town

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"Do you realize that the floor isn't your bed?" a soft voice drifted in and out of Sophie's dreams. She opened her eyes groggily to see a girl with perfectly curled hair standing over her.

"Agh!" Sophie pulled her blanket over her head as the events of the night before had returned.

She couldn't sleep in her bed so Sophie had gotten her old quilt and camped out on her floor.

"I'm sorry...your mom let me in..." the girl continued, oblivious to Sophie's discomfort.

"She's not my mother" Sophie snapped and pulled the blanket back down to her lap, finally getting a good look at the mystery girl.

She was wearing a sparkly purple shirt, with one sleeve sliding farther off her shoulder than the other. Her immaculately pressed jeans were tucked into a pair of black pumps. She looked like one of the self-obsessed, peaking in high school girls that Sophie had seen too many times.

"I didn't mean to offend you" the girl stuck out her hand to help Sophie up "I'm Biana...what's your name?"

"Sophie" she replied and pulled herself up, thankful that she had decided to get into her pajamas the night before. She patted down her hair and then realized her attempt was futile. Her hair was a rat's nest.

"It's nice to meet you Sophie", she smiled genuinely, "I came to drop off a welcome casserole and remind you about the 4th of July party! I hope you will come. We are all excited to meet you."

"We?" Sophie asked, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, well all the kids in the town of course" Biana answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "You are the most exciting news that has happened in like...a year!"

"Oh that's great" Sophie chuckled awkwardly.

This is exactly what she wanted to avoid. Unwanted attention. But she had to suffer through it to make Grady and Edaline happy.

"Well then I will see you at 2pm!" Biana waved and basically skipped out of the room.

Sophie shook her head and threw her quilt on the bed. That was the weirdest encounter that she had ever been through. She stood up and went to put on a change of clothes, before realizing that she didn't have any. She stopped for a second, letting all of the previous day's events sink in. She wasn't in San Francisco anymore. She had a new life and a new family.

Sophie turned around and walked out of her room and down the stairs. The smell of pancakes and bacon wafted into her nose and she sighed in delight. A morning breakfast. This is exactly what she needed.

"Sophie?" Grady called and Sophie hopped into the kitchen, "You hungry?"

"Actually...yeah" she smiled and pulled herself up onto one of the barstools next to the island, "I need my fuel for the party today. Apparently people are very excited to see me"

Grady chuckled and slid a full plate in front of Sophie, "I guess you are just the big news"

"Oooh yes" Edaline walked in the room, her dress flowing around her ankles, hair pulled up immaculately in a bun, the little wisps of hair seeming to float around her head perfectly "There are many people eager to meet you. Biana even left an outfit for you to wear to the party. And we haven't really gone to a lot of parties since Jolie..." her voice carried off and a sad look came over her face.

Grady rushed over and put his arms around her and Sophie felt like she was intruding the personal moment just by being there. She had no idea who Jolie was but if it was important then her new guardians would have let her know about it. She slowly slipped off the chair and up the stairs, suddenly interested in the outfit Biana dropped off.


""We have to make a quick stop before the party" Grady told Sophie as they drove down the perfectly paved road "Eda's sister is having some trouble wrangling up the triplets"

"The triplets?" Sophie asked while fiddling with a frayed edge on her shorts. Biana had left her a red tank top with blue and white stitched edges. The shorts were a little bit too short, but it was quite hot outside. The look was finished off with a sparkly red headband and a pair of blue sandals. Sophie didn't exactly like the whole outfit together but it would be rude to not wear it. Plus she didn't exactly have a lot of colored clothes in the box that she brought.

"Kesler and Juline have triplets. Rex, Lex, and Bex. They are a lot to handle", Edaline laughed, "They also have a boy your age! His name is Dex. I think you guys are in the same grade"

"That's great..." Sophie tried to smile and hoped she wasn't failing miserably. She guessed that this Dex guy was her cousin...? She hoped that Grady and Edaline wouldn't force her to hang out with him. Not that she wouldn't like him! It's just that Sophie liked to hang by herself. It was easier that way.

"Here we are," Grady pulled into the driveway of a 3 story house. It looked similar to her new one but it was a robin-egg blue tone instead of white. There was a huge tree in the front yard with a tire swing. And it looked a LOT more lived in.

Three children were running around on the front lawn, yelling wildly at each other.

"Hey! That's my shoe!"

"No way it's mine Bex! Your shoe is inside!"

"Moooom Lex stole my shoe!"

"Hey guys no fighting!" a kid with strawberry blonde hair ran over to the kids and stole the shoe away from them, giving it back to who Sophie assumed was Rex.

Grady and Edaline got out of the car as a woman descended down the steps waving towards them. Sophie had to take a second look. She looked almost exactly like Edaline. Sophie went to join her adoptive parents as a man who Sophie assumed was Kesler tried to wrangle the triplets into the car.

"You must be Sophie" Juline smiled at Sophie and gestured for Dex to come join them, "It is so nice to meet you. And to see you" she looked at Edaline

Grady was standing with a half smile on his face, almost like he was trying to seem happy to be there. And Edaline was fidgeting with her hands behind her dress. Sophie wondered how long it had been since Edaline had talked to her sister.

"Are you the new girl?" a voice added into the mix and Sophie looked over to see Dex "I mean of course you are because i've never seen you before and everyone knows everyone in this town. I'm Dex. We're cousins."

"Yeah...nice to meet you?" Sophie stepped a little closer to Edaline and farther away from Dex. He was the very sort of person she was trying to avoid. The one that asked too many questions.

"I'm sorry" he apologized "It's just that you are the biggest news since the Great Gulon Incident"

"The Great-"

"It was a prank" Dex replied before Sophie could even ask what it was, "An epic prank pulled by Keefe Sencen. I'll explain it later" he waved off to signify some time later in the future and smiled back at Sophie.

"Sounds cool" Sophie smiled and looked over to Grady and Edaline. They were still standing awkwardly next to Juline and Sophie could hear Kesler still trying to get the triplets in the car.

"Well" Juline clapped her hands, smiling widely "Let's get to this party!"

a/n i love writing the triplets lmao and look forward to a lot of dex in this book cause he needs to be appreciated more <3

anyways...like my other fanfic i am going to ask you guys a question at the end of every chapter 

do you guys have siblings or are you an only child

i have siblings blech

and you don't have to reply if u don't feel comfortable 


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