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crazed, empty hearted, emotionless

What will happen if I leave?

Will I be missed?

Will it be strange?

Will I wither into Nothing?

Will I unwind?

I have no idea.

I plan to find out,

but I don't have the heart.

What about the others?

What will happen to the world I see now?

Will they break down?

Will they cry for weeks for me to come back?

Will anything even happen to them?

The way I see it,

Nothing will happen to anyone except me.

I am not loved.

I can't be missed if there isn't anything to miss.

If I can find two who care,

I will stay.

If I can find two willing to love me,

I won't go...

I can't find any.

I have decided to go.

There is nothing for me now.

My life will stop soon.

I have no desire to stay.

Goodbye terrible world of lies.

Goodbye deceitful life of sorrow.

I am leaving.








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