first- noah schnapp

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so me and noah have been dating for 2 and a half months now. i'm so happy with him.

we have never kissed.

here and there he will shyly out his arm around me. or hold my hand.

but we've never actually kissed.

we don't even kiss eachothers cheeks, hand, forehead, nothing like that.

we aren't an awkward couple though, we just haven't kissed. yet.

we hug, and he sometimes gives me pet names.

i haven't had my first kiss. i don't think he has either.

i wouldn't mind him kissing me, but i'm scared i'll screw up or something.

anyways enough about that.

today noah is coming to my house to see me and he's going to meet my parents and my brother.

i've told my parents about him loads and i think they are starting to like him, from what i've told them. let's hope they like him when they meet him in person.

the doorbell goes, must be noah.

i quickly run downstairs and answer the door, revealing noah.

he's wearing a buttoned up shirt, and some normal trousers.

"hey!" noah says hugging me.

"hewo" i say burying my head into his shoulder.

"are you okay?" he whispers quietly into my ear.

i nod and pull away from our hug, letting him in.

"my family's is the kitchen" i say shutting the door.

"babe i'm nervous" he says going red.

"there's nothing to be nervous about, they'll love you. come on" i say taking his hand and taking him into the kitchen.

my brother is sat at the breakfast bar eating a piece of chocolate, my dad is sat next to him on his phone, and my mum is putting some plates away in the cupboard.

"oh my god this must be noah!! hi!!" my mum says, fast walking over to noah pulling him into a hug.

i can tell he's surprised at first but hugs back slowly.

"hi honey!!" she says pulling away.

"hi it's nice to meet you mrs l/n" he says shyly.

"oh please call me y/m/n! nice to meet you too dear!" my mum says smiling.

"hey kid" my dad says coming over to noah, bro hugging him.

noahs face changes and i can't tell hes scared of my dad.

i chuckle quietly so only i can hear.

"nice to meet you mr l/n" noah says pulling away.

"call me y/d/n" my dad says.

"hey dude" my brother Josh says, pulling noah into a short hug.

"hey, nice to meet you, josh right?" noah says returning the hug.

"that's me! nice to meet you too kid" josh says pulling away and going upstairs.

"so y/n tells me you act?" my mum says leaning against the counter.

"yeah i've been acting for awhile now, i play will byers in a netflix show called stranger things" noah says.

"that's awesome! you guys have acting in common then?" my dad says.

"yeah" noah says and turns his face to me and smiles, i smile back.

i forgot to tell you that i act.

i have been in IT 1 and 2, outerbanks, stranger things, enola holmes and a few more small movies.

"well me and your dad have to go to work now, your brother is going to his friends for a sleepover, so you'll be home alone tonight unless noahs staying over. help yourself to food love you" my mum says picking up her keys then kissing my forehead.

"okay love you too" i say back as they leave.

josh then comes running downstairs.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT!! i'm late to the sleepover!! bye y/n" he says running out the door.

"are you sleeping over?" i ask turning to noah.

"if you want me too" he replies smiling shyly.

i smile and nod.

he takes my hand, slowly intertwining our fingers.

i look at our connected hands and smile. looking down.

he stands up properly, not leaning on the counter anymore, and comes a bit closer to me.

i feel his two fingers under my chin lifting my head up, making me look at him.

he stares at me, quickly glancing down at my lips, then make at my eyes.

he hesitantly and slowly closes the gap between us, kissing me.

i slowly kiss back, not really sure what to do but it feels right, he doesn't pull away so i guess it's good?

his lips are warm and soft, and his hands on my waist.

the kiss lasts about 20 seconds before we pull away for air.

noahs mouth curve into a shy cute smile, his cheeks red, mine probably are too.

he leans his forehead against mine, looking down aswell as me.

"wow" he says.

"w-was that okay?" he asks, pulling his forehead away from mine, feeling his eyes on me.

i nod and smile, looking up at him.

"thank god. i was so scared" he says giggling and pulling me into a hug.

"you don't need to be scared to kiss me babe" i say.

honestly i wanted to kiss him. but he shouldn't be scared, i'm his girlfriend.

"so you wouldn't mind if i did it again?" he asks pulling away from our hug.

"not at all" i say smiling like an idiot.

he presses his lips slowly against mine, our lips moving in sync.

this kiss lasts about 10 seconds before we pull away.

"your so beautiful" he says pressing me against his chest, wrapping his arms around me into a hug.

"your so handsome" i say wrapping my arms around his torso, resting my head into his chest.

"do you want to watch a movie?" he asks as i feel a pair of lips on my head.

"of course" i say and we walk up to my room, laying down on the bed as i put on paddington.

i feel his eyes on me, then he slowly wraps his arm around me, scared i'm gonna reject him.

i rest my head on his chest, making him less tense.

he starts playing with my hair and i feel myself falling asleep.

"goodnight my beautiful princess" i hear him whispers then a slow kiss on my forehead.

Noah Schnapp x female imagines Where stories live. Discover now