one. [expendable]

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...11 months ago - The Ark...

Rhea was deep in concentration as her eyes intently traced over the information displayed on the screen before her. She had tried countless different words, phrases, numbers, anything she thought that could be the Chancellor's password, but to no avail.

"Dude, are you almost done?" her best friend, Jaxson, whisper-shouted from his lookout post near the door to the Chancellor's office. His nervousness was evident as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. His head kept darting from where Rhea sat at the large desk in the centre of the room, back out the door to the cold, grim hallways of the Ark.

"Can you not?" Rhea snapped, her eyes darting up from the screen to quickly send the tall brunette a glare before continuing her finger movements in another attempt to break the seal Jaha had, "I didn't think it would be this damn hard!"

The screen in front of her taunted the blonde once more, as the 'incorrect password' message appeared for what felt like the hundredth time in the five minutes she'd been sat in the room for. She groaned in frustration, annoyed at how long it was taking for her to crack the password. She had hoped that this wouldn't happen, and that the Chancellor would have been stupid enough to make his password something simple like 'Wells123', meaning that she wouldn't have to resort to her very last method.

Rhea felt around in the zipped pocket of her jacket for the item she was looking for, and she soon felt her fingers wrap around the cool metal of the USB stick she had brought with her in case all else failed. She lifted her head slightly to glance at her best friend, as she knew he would most definitely not agree with what she was about to do, before she slowly glided the USB out of her jacket and raised it up to the port.

Jaxson turned his head once more to peek at his friend just in time to see the USB hover over the port as his eyebrows raised in shock and he left his post at the door quickly, coming to a halt at the desk to put his finger in front of the USB, stopping Rhea from putting it any further.

"What the hell are you doing" he exclaimed in a whisper, his eyes narrowed at his best friend who sat there with guilt written all over her face. "I thought you said that if you put that stick in, then Jaha will get a signal telling him that his computer has been compromised?"

"I did say that Jax, good to know you listen" Rhea sighed out, her eyes darting between him and the USB port, "I also said that we would have at least five minutes to escape before the guards show up, that's plenty of time for me to get the information I want and for us to get the hell out of here!"

"Rhea, you can't seriously want to do this that badly! I get that you're pissed he floated your dad, but do you seriously think this is what your Dad would want you to do?" Jaxson questioned with worry, his eyes desperately searching to meet hers.

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