four. [mount weather]

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By nightfall, the group of six were exhausted from their day of walking through the forest and had reached a rather large river that they needed to cross. Since Octavia's leg was slowing her down, they made the decision to wait until morning before they crossed over, giving Octavia some time to heal while they found a way to pass over. Rhea was leaning on a rock with Octavia's head in her lap as she played with her hair, the two had grown extremely close over the past day and Rhea found herself getting fond of the girl, though she wasn't sure it was in the romantic type of way.

Rhea had pretty much always known she's liked both genders, and it never really came as a surprise to her father when she told him at the mere age of fourteen. And, sure, Octavia was most definitely attractive, but Rhea felt herself becoming protective over the younger girl in a sibling-type way, and she was sure Octavia felt the same. Still, it was comforting having her there, the raven-haired girl looked at peace as she slept blissfully in Rhea's lap.

Clarke had decided that it would be smart to take turns on watch while they all slept, which is why Rhea was currently now awake as she sat running her hands gently through Octavia's hair while she listened to the nocturnal birds and various animals scattering around the forest. It seems the birds had woken Clarke as she sat up slowly, almost as though she was trying to recognise where she was, thinking that the past day had all been a dream.

"It's beautiful, right?" Rhea whispered softly as she watched Clarke's eyes embrace the view of the forest at night. There was a foggy mist spread throughout the trees that was illuminated brightly by the moon, the trees casting various shadows throughout. There were plants glowing on the trees that surrounded them, some glow-in-the-dark type shit that Rhea thought was probably a result of the radiation that had soaked the planet for more than 97 years. Clarke turned to face the other blonde, the moonlight landing on her face as her features stood out against it.

"Yeah" she breathed out, "it is." Silence enveloped the two as they sat there peacefully, listening to the birds and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees. Clarke looked over the group before she noticed one was missing and so turned to Rhea once more. "Hey, where's Finn?"

"Oh, I... uh, I think he went that way" the blonde answered, pointing toward a part of the forest that was illuminated by the glow-in-the-dark plants. Clarke nodded as she sent the girl an appreciative smile before she headed off in the direction indicated. Octavia stirred slightly in her slumber as she no longer felt the soft hands running gently through her hair, her eyes fluttering open only to see Rhea beaming down at her.

"Shh... go back to sleep" Rhea smiled softly at the girl who looked back at her with worry.

"What about you?" she asked, "you've been on watch for hours now."

"I'm going to wake Monty now, but you need rest... otherwise, Bellamy will have my head on a stick." Octavia giggled quietly at Rhea's comment before she nodded her head, her eyes fluttering back closed as she drifted off to sleep. Rhea looked over to Monty, seeing him peacefully sleeping, too peaceful to be woken up. 'I guess I'll just wait until Clarke comes back to take watch' she thought as she leaned her head back, desperately fighting her tiredness.

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