Chapter 1. FOLKS

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I wake 🤣🤣🤣🤣up to my alarm blaring. "Jesus Christ." I step out of bed and slip on my favorite pair of neon green slippers. A yawn escapes my mouth😘😘😘😘😘 and I begin to walk to the kitchen.

It was always lonely where I used to live. Nothing but corn for miles. I was a bit of a country boy. I turn my head to the coffee maker and grab 🥺🥺🥺🥺the fresh cup. Beginning a new school where I know no-one will be hard. Maybe I won't make it...

I grab my keys and throw on a random outfit. I was wearing a shirt that said: DILF: 😜😜😈Dang I Love Fishing and a pair of James Charles pants. "Shit, shit, shit I'm gonna be late!" I take a sip of my coffee and run out to my car. I step on the gas and turn on a Weezer song.

I've always loved Weezer🥺🥺🥺. They are one of my favorite bands. I've heard people like Pitbull go to my school.. geez... This is gonna be a big 💓💓💓school, huh?

I was right. I sigh and step inside the building. It was huge. People everywhere, clubs everywhere, it's insane. I'm met by a hand on my shoulder
"Hey new kid!"
I flip my head quickly 😨😨😨to see a tall man with blonde hair.
"I'm Tommyinnit! But you can call me Tommy!" He says smiling. Tommy, huh? "H-hi! I'm 😉😉😉Kurtis Conner!" I spit out. "Nice, where's your first class today?" He says. "Oh uHm... room 1A!" "Same! Lets go together!"

I begin to walk with him to a classroom. I read out: Mr Obama. Never heard of the guy. I walk into class and take a seat near a short black haired boy. Tommy sits in front of me and I turn my gaze to the people around me. Hmm.. My focus can't seem to shake 😈😈😈😈that black haired boy. I write on a piece of paper: "HI! I'm Kurtis Conner! What's your name? :)" I pass it too him nonchalantly. He takes it and I see him read it and scoff. Then he turns to look up at me 😜😜😜😜and blushes. He turns his head and writes out "Levi Ackerman" Levi, huh? That's a nice name! I put the paper in my pocket and go back to listening the lesson.

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