Chapter 2. Weezer spotted11!!1!

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The☎️☎️☎️ bell rings and I grab my books and my backpack. I walk up to Tommy and ask 😜😜😜😜what classes he has for the rest of the day. We compare schedules and see it's practically the 💓💓💓💓same besides the last class, which is art for me. "Well I'm glad I know someone in most of my classes!" I say brightly. Tommy agrees in british. We walk to our next 😋😋😋😋class.

I read the door once again: "Mr. Dio." It also appears as though a name once was there but now was removed: "H-hisoka?" Tommy looks at me and says😚😚😚 "Oh yeah he worked here until we found out he was a nonce." "Oh wow.." I say shocked.

We step inside the classroom and see the seats are assigned. Oh well. I walk around trying to find my seat. I see I'm located next to.. Quackity. Huh. What a strange name. I plop down in my seat and 🤓🤓🤓🤓raise my hand for attendance. I find it strange that 'Quackity' kid never showed up. Almost like it was staged, a 5'7 kid with black hair🥰🥰🥰🥰 walks into class. "Sorry i was late! I saw Taylor Swift and HAD to say hi!" The teacher rolls his eyes and points to me. "Next to them." I wave awkwardly at him and he speed walks over. I turn my head and watch him sit next to me. He smiles and blushes. I 🤨🤨🤨🤨do the same. I turn my head to focus when he passes a note.

So what's your name? I raise an eyebrow. Can this mf not read? I turn my head and point to my desk. His eyes widen. "OHHH!!!" Everyone in the class looks at us. It's humiliating. I do the gangdam style and😔😟😟🥳 distract them until the bell rings.

I get up and walk with Tommy to my next class. I open the door and my gaze immediately meets with a small chipmunk. Hot. I sit next to him and blush. Alvin.. wow... he smirks at me and I nearly pass out. This clearly pisses of a blonde girl. I look at her name 💓💓💓😛😛🤤🤤🤤tag and see Barbie🤨🤨🤨. Fuckin weirdo. I roll my eyes and go back to flirting with Alvin.

The next 2 classes🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 go by quick. Alright 2 more classes to go. I open the door to math class, room 3B, and 💓💓💓see a tall.. 6'2.. no 6'3 boy in the back of the class with blue hair. W-wow.. he's so fine.. 🥺🥺🥺🥺I slip back to sit with him and say "So.. what's your name?" He does the cha cha slide and says "2-D" 😈😈😈😈I blush. How pretty.. I continue flipping my gaze from him to the teacher all class.

The bell rings. Alright. Last class. I can do this!

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