Part 1

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Ben POV: I can't believe I broke up with Julie accidentally. I'm so stupid. Maybe I can talk to her to get some closure. Who am I kidding? I love her, even though I didn't express it because I was scared she didn't love me back, or she was playing with my feelings. She might treat me like Kai did with one of my aliens. Maybe I can go to her house and just talk since we're friends now. When I heard she still wanted to be friends with me, I was happy because that meant I could still see her. But I'm also sad because that means I won't get to do all the things a boyfriend does that I want to do. So it's decided. I'm going to her house, but I'm going to need someone to drive me there. Maybe I can get her something to eat, like chili cheese fries since we both like those and a smoothie. Yeah, that works. At least, I hope.

I called Kevin and asked him to drive me to Mr. Smoothies and to Julie's house. He asked why, and I said, "Because I want to talk to Julie." He said sure, ignoring that I said "Will you?" and he said, "Yeah, just give me a minute." Okay, I said. I hung up and went outside to wait for him to arrive. It didn't take long for him to be here. Once he arrived, I got in the car, and we headed to Mr. Smoothies.

Once we got there, I got the food and drink. Next, we headed to Julie's house. Once we arrived there, I got out with the food and went to the front door. I was about to knock when I thought about what to say to her. It's not every day when your ex-boyfriend wants to come and talk to you just a day before we go explore the universe. On that thought, I should have come sooner to talk, which adds to me being a terrible boyfriend to her. So, I'm not surprised she thought I broke up with her over the phone.

Anyway, I should ask if she wants to come with me, Rook, Gwen, and Kevin. Hopefully, she does, but it's very unlikely since she has a boyfriend and would not want to leave him here just to go explore the universe with us. After I finished that rant in my head, I knocked on her door. When she opened it, it was like I saw her for the first time again, especially since she looks cute when she is surprised. There's no doubt she is surprised to see me, especially since the last time we saw each other was because of me having something to do with alien stuff. Oh, and I'm glad she still has the ship.

Anyway, I came back to reality when she waved her hand in my face. "Hey, Julie," I said. "Hey, Ben," she replied. "What are you doing here?" "I just wanted to come and talk to you," I said. "Okay, come on in," she replied. "Thanks. Oh, and by the way, I brought some food in case you were hungry," I said. "Thanks, that was perfect timing. I was just about to go get some food."

We sat down at the kitchen table, and I also sat the food down on the kitchen table. I asked, "Where is Herve?" She replied, "We broke up." "Oh, are you okay?" I asked. "Kinda," she replied. "Anyway, Ben, what did you want to talk about?" she said as she got out the food. "I wanted to talk about my trip to explore the universe with my friends, Rook, Gwen, and Kevin, and was wondering if you wanted to come too," I said. She looked shocked for a second, then recovered. "Let me think about it," she said. "Okay," I replied. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?" she said. "No, also, I was wondering if you were doing good," I said. "I am doing good besides the break-up, and my tennis is going well, and Ship is doing good if you were wondering about him too," she said. "That's good. Well, I better get going. I did not realize how late it was." "Oh, okay. Bye, Ben," she said.

I left her house and called Kevin to come pick me up. He did and dropped me off at my house. When he did, I went to my room and thought about the conversation I had with Julie earlier. I'm happy that she and Herve are not together anymore, but sad because Julie is probably sad. Hopefully, she does decide to go on the trip. Anyway, I better go to sleep.

I used a Ai language model to help with the editing because I don't know grammar for anything

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