Season's Plot: Kim and Asaka have been dragged into a new world filled with monsters similar or different to Gojira. As Godzilla returns back home, an old foe, the 8th wonder of the world, King Kong, returns to fight his old foe, Godzilla, Kim and Asaka try to find a way back home. Meanwhile on the surface, Dr. Ishiro believes that the recent disappearance could be the return of Destoroyah! Is the return of the Great Red Devil back or not? Who will win between the great king himself, Gojira, or the giant ape man, Kong?
Godzilla: Hotlines S2 Preview (Plot, Episodes, and New/Returning Monsters!)
AvventuraHi everyone and since Godzilla: Hotlines S1 was a hit! S2 is already close to up and running so why not post what the plot, episodes, the trailer and New/Returning Monsters that are gonna appear in the new season of Godzilla: Hotlines!