paper rings

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"The moon is high
Like your friends were the night that we first met
Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet
Now I've read all of the books beside your bed"

You had always been terrible at blind dates. In fact you had never had a single blind date go well, the guys were always too touchy-feely or mean or misogynistic or just generally off-putting.

So when your old college roommate set you up with an FBI agent, you were hopeful it would finally break your streak of terrible first dates.

You got all dolled up -more than you should have probably, but you were excited- and headed  to the bar you both agreed to meet at. You got there about fifteen minutes early, but you didn't mind waiting, so you found a booth for the both of you and got settled in.

Well, you didn't mind waiting, it was only when your date was twenty minutes late and not answering any of your texts that you started to mind. You were finally going to cut your losses and leave when out of nowhere five people poured into the bar, three women and two men, one of which was supposed to be your date for this evening.

The three ladies headed straight to the bar, while your date and his friend headed towards you.

"There you are! Look I made it," he said with a loopy smile.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you drunk?"

"We all got a little buzzed on the plane ride back and we're here to continue the party! Come on, it'll be fun."

"You're an asshole Derek, you come twenty minutes late with no explanation and bring your friends to our date? Who even does that?" 

Before Derek could speak up and defend himself, his friend (who you had thought was completely out of it, based on the way he was swaying back and forth and how his eyes were glazed over) spoke up instead.

"Hey! Don't talk to my friend like that, he's a really nice guy you know!"

You laughed, "Oh really? Nice guys don't stand girls up."

"He didn't stand you up, he's here right now!"

"Well aren't you just a genius?" you said sarcastically, Derek doubled over laughing in response, you had no idea why, your joke wasn't even that funny.

The tall skinny man you were now arguing with also seemed to find your sarcasm a little too humorous, "You know I am actually a genius, although I don't believe intelligence can be accurately quantified-"

You rolled your eyes, "Listen smarty pants, if you're such an Einstein why is it so difficult to grasp the concept your friend is a dick for showing up late and bringing other, uninvited people to our date?"

"Well! Um. . . you don't have to be so mean about it! You could seriously hurt his feelings talking about him like that."

"It's not like I particularly care about that, but even if I did," you turned and looked for Derek, only to find he was not there. After a quick once over of the place you noticed him giggling with the eccentrically dressed blonde woman he came in with, "He seems like he's doing just fine," you pointed out.

At this point you were tired and now just wanted to go back to your apartment, complain to your roommate and eat the ice cream you bought yesterday. You pushed your way past the "genius" you were wasting your time arguing with and headed towards the door.

"Hey! Where are you going? Morgan just got here. . ."

"I'm going home, your friend doesn't really seem to need me, and honestly I don't think he'll remember this anyway. If he asks, tell him to call me tomorrow."

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