Chapter 1

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I hate getting ready in the mornings. I get out of bed and got ready very quietly so my uncle wouldn't wake up. The truth is I haven't slept for more then a hour in a least a month and I only have one meal a day being a apple or something. I left about 30 minutes earlier then I needed too. I would sit outside school.
•time skip (I'm lazyyy)•

It was now the last block Science. I liked Science but today we where gonna be put in partners with someone and the three most popular guys in school are in this class. Minho, Thomas and Newt. I had to be honest I have always thought Newt was pretty hot. But he would never go for someone like me and I didn't want anyone else in my life.

The teacher started picking partners to be together then she said "Newt and Y/n." Why?! Uhh. After class I left and went to start walking home when I felt someone falling me. I turned around to see not one, not two, but three people following me.
N- sorry y/n. I was just wondering if you wanted to work on the project tonight. So we get a head start.
Y- uhhh yeah sure.
M- ok Thomas and I are gonna go do ours. Bye guys!
They walked away.
N- uh do you want to work at your house?
Y- uhh no, I mean my uncle is working in the house and I don't want to be loud yeah know.
N- yeah ok. Let's go to mine.

•time skip•
We got in his car and got to his house. Holy crap! It was giant. We walked in and it was so lovely looking.
N- do you want to work in the living room?
Y- I don't care it's your house.
N- right. Let's go.
I followed him and there was this giant living room I sat on the couch and placed my books on the table. We got to working.

•time skip•
Newt POV
a couple hours have passed.
N- ok I think that's good for that. How abou-
I looked over at y/n who was passed out sleeping. She was pretty not gonna lie. I didn't want to wake her because it had looked like she hadn't slept in days.
I grabbed her and brought her to one of the guest rooms since it was already late at night.

•the next morning•

I woke up and walk into y/n room not realizing I didn't have a shirt on. As soon as I opened the door I saw y/n sitting on the end of the bed looking at me.
N- sorry love. You fell asleep and looked as if you haven't slept in days.
Y/n- I haven't.
She said it quiet so I just asked her what she said she said oh nothing. Then she took some of my sisters old clothes that no longer fit. She didn't ask for breakfast so I guessed she wasn't hungry. Then we got to school. Soon it was science block and I felt my self looking at y/n a lot. I guess Minho and Thomas caught me.
T- so you got a thing for little miss y/l/n.
N- shut up.
M- yeah ok.
N- she's just different.
T- different bad or different good?
M- it's clearly different good. Look at him he's going red.
It was when y/n was waiting outside for me.
N- hey love.
Y- ok so I have to go home since I didn't yesterday but tomorrow ok.
N- yeah ok. Want a ride?
Y- no thanks I'm just gonna walk.
With that she started to walk off. I felt sad I didn't get to spend the night with y/n. Minho and Thomas came over and they had been teasing me all night.


I got home. I kind of felt bad that I couldn't hang out with Newt he seemed sad when I told him. But I knew I had to because my uncle would be waiting for me to open the front door.

•time skip•

I was now standing outside my house and I just opened the door when I was trying to go up the stairs I felt hands grab my wrist.
U- Where do you think your going you little Rat?
Y- to do homework
U- no tonight I'm gonna have some fun.
I looked in the kitchen where there was probably ten beer bottles gone and 2 siting there waiting to open. He hit me, kited me, punched me and worst of all he got out a knife it was the first time he had done that. He grabbed my shirt and pulled it up and cut my stomach. I wanted to cry but I couldn't it would be worse if I did. He also cut my arms. I could feel the blood running from my arms. My Uncle soon let me go and I just sat in bed, feeling awful and Hungry.
•the next day•

I put on sweats and a hoodie like normal. I had shower and I left early once again. I walked to the school and sat on a bench. I was so hungry, but I didn't have any money to buy anything. I felt someone grab my left shoulder and I jumped.
T- Hey y/n. What'd you do?
I just looked at Thomas and Minho confused Newt wasn't with them.
M- well Newt has fallen head over heals for you. Or so we think.
Y- We only hung out for a school project.
T- then you fell asleep and he let you sleep because of how beautiful he thought you looked.
Y- what?
M- exactly.
T- hey why do you have that blood on your neck?
Y- just a scab.
Shot I forgot to buy a bandage over the one.
Class soon started and the day went by. It was soon Science block and we where placed in groups of 4 to talk with our partners and another group of partners. So I knew I'd be working with Newt. "Ok and we'll have Thomas's group with Newt's group." As soon as the teacher said that I just thought to myself of course it was them.

We all went to the same table. Newt and I sat next to each other and Thomas and Minho a cross from us. We started talking about the work. We talked about everything pretty early and they just started talking about random stuff. So I grabbed a notebook from my bag and a pencil and I started to draw. Then I felt all eyes on me so I looked up and the three boys where staring right at me.
N- uh sorry.
M- we should all hang out tonight.
Y- we have to finish up science.
T- oh come on! It's not due until next Friday.
N- it will be fun.
Y- I can't.
M- why? You where gonna hang out with Newt anyways.
Y- to do school. I can't just hang out.
N- but your always hanging out at school like 30 minutes early.
T- yeah we see you there every morning.
Y- creepy. Well yeah I can before school but after school is a no go.
M- but why?
Y- I'm j- uhh- I don't w- anttt to talk about i-it.
N- ok love.

The school day soon ended and I went to Newts house and we did science. We didn't really talk about anything but school. Until we where almost done.
N- sorry if this bugs you. You don't have to stay.
I just looked up confused.
N- well Minho and Thomas are coming because they would give it a break.
I nodded and slowly started putting stuff in my bags.
N- stay it will only be us 4 and movie. Tell whoever wants you home it was just homework or something. Please.
I looked up and we locked eyes. As much as I wanted to stay I knew I couldn't but I also could say no to him.
Y- fine.
N- great!!

•a few hours later•
They had shown up and we where sitting around a table eating pizza when we where done.
we went to the living room, where we picked what to watch......

A/n- did you in-joy? Do you want drama? Do you want someone to be joining or be killed off?

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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