The new vampire on the block

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I went around town meeting everyone. mayor Lewis gave me a list of everyone in town to introduce myself to so now I just have to find Sebastian, Shane, and Sam. Their pictures look angry except sams, he looks excited. As i go around town looking for them i also got the chance to look for a good hunting ground. In the cindersnap forest there are many animals that i could have no problem catching. I could also bring anyone from a city bar down here, its not far after all. And no one would think about stardew valley, a sweet quiet, small town....maybe no though. I wouldn't want my new home to be taken away so quickly.

Shane:no Sam. I dont wanna hang out with Sebastian and you and Abby. I'm going to the bar.
Sam:oh come on! All you do is drink! At least play pool with us once! You know it'd be fun!
Shane:sam. I honestly just want to drink my problems away until i don't exist

I accidentally bumped into them while ease dropping.


He growled at me. Sam right behind him held his hand out.

Sam:sorry bout him, he's a grumpy boy.

He said it teasingly, shane flipped him off and went to the saloon.

Sam:I'm sam, he's shane so you can cross us off! Haha its like bingo! Anyway come on ill take you to seb, but warning. He hates the sun.
Y/N:me too, we might get along haha

I was wearing a hat and long sleeves alone with high tops and jeans. I tried not to stand out too much, i used to wear more coverage but people spotted me as weird quickly and with that i couldnt get anyone to feed on. It was a horrible time. I was always so hungry which just made people hate me more. I was never picky on blood but i will admit b+ was my favorite. I did have to be careful, one time i almost drank from someone with a blood disease. Their blood would have just made me sick, like eating raw meat or uncooked eggs. Like food poisoning. Sam brought me up the mountain where i met with robin once again, this time she looked a little different like she was a unable to sit still.

Y/N:hey robin! You ok?
Robin:yeah! Um sorry i just am tired
Y/N:oh that's so cute! It looks like a little person!

Sam looked at robin concerned.

Robin:thanks! I spent all day on it. But sadly, its not ready.

She looked at sam in the eyes as if telling him a secret. Sam then brought me downstairs where Sebastian was reading a comic book.

Sebastian: hello, youre the new farmer I'm assuming?
Y/N:uh yeah! I'm y/n

I couldnt smell his blood type. It could be that there were so many people in this house as well. I in all honesty am not good at that when there's more than 1 person in the room. Sebastian got up quickly as i thought this to myself and looked at me in the eyes. His were a deep purple almost black. You could see a little sparkle in them.

Sam:hey buddy, leave the new kid alone. Ok?

Sam looked at him concerned. Sebastian smiled and shook my hand. It was extremely uncomfortable. We stared at each other in the eyes as we shook but I didn't really know what was happening. Sam then came up and tackled his friend.

Sam:leave. Them. Be. Ok?
Seb:yeah yeah. Get off me you smell like a dog
Sam:i work like one too! Haha oh hey i need to talk to you by the way. Later though.

They started talking about front of me and i decided it was weird so i walked out. Only to bump into Abby. She was really nice, a little weird but honestly who am i to judge. They brought me in for a hug after i bumped into them.

Abby:Y/N! You met my buddies then?
Y/N:oh haha yeah! I'm gonna head home though

She gave me a movie ticket to come watch with seb her and sam that night. I tried to deny but she put it in my pocket and ran away. Robin disappeared so i decided to just walk around cindersnap for some dinner. I haven't eaten all day.

*7pm in cindersnap*

I had 2 bunnies and 1 adult male deer. I was content. I never liked to fill myself just because it always made me feel like i needed a 3 day nap. As i started to walk home i heard a pack of wolves. I contemplated going for them but decided it was best if i head home. Once i got home i took a shower and drank some wine i had in my fridge. The alcohol doesn't actually do anything except give me stronger dreams. I usually dont like to drink it since the last time i did i saw my parents death happen 2 days before it did and...i still couldnt stop it. I got adopted by my other friend who was a wearwolf. Normally we wouldn't be allowed to be family but since the whole situation it was agreed it'd be safer if i was around people i trusted. Wear wolves are pretty cool except they smell after they shower which is sad, i liked in my first 60 years before getting my fangs being able to smell just like a human. It was fun, the different scents that would stick to you. I was born and raised a vampire, I'm now 221. I'm turning 222 this year which is exciting, I'm supposed to have a big celebration with my family for it but I'm also kinda not wanting to celebrate. A knock at the door took me out of my trance.

Sam:hey! You ready!?'ve been drinking?

I stared at them and looked behind me, i nodded and they just got sad.

Seb:well if you dont wanna come you coulda just said.
Abby:Do you still wanna come?
Y/N:sure, i barely had a glass. I just wanted to relax a little.

I forgot about the movie. I hoped i missed it from hunting but i guess not.

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